Benson Schools • Spring 2016 Co-Curricular Planning Project
Introductions Benson Students, Parents, & Employees Bruce Miles
Goals for this session
Goals 1) Survey Summary Review A) Review survey summaries B) Answer questions re: survey summaries – notecards 2) Develop New Plan for Co-curriculars A) ID recent success & issues – overall program B) Develop new vision for overall program C) ID priorities for overall program D) Evaluate this session
Survey Summary – Employees (34) 1) Why do students go out for, or stay involved with,Co-Curriculars? Enjoyment and/or Existing Talents Social Aspect 2) Why do students not go out for, or quit, Co-Curriculars? Disinterest & Other Opportunities Finances & Inability to Cover Costs 3) What could the district do to get more students involved in Co-Curriculars? Promotion & Marketing More Activities & Wider Range of Activities 4) What is the purpose of Co-Curricular activities? Development of Students' Skills & Abilities
Survey Summary – Parents (80) 1) Why do students go out for, or stay involved with,Co-Curriculars? Enjoyment and/or Existing Talents Social Aspect 2) Why do students not go out for, or quit, Co-Curriculars? Lack of Support (Parents, Friends, Coaches) Large Commitment of Time 3) What could the district do to get more students involved in Co-Curriculars? Leadership Decisions re: Activities Offered & Opportunities Lower Fees 4) What is the purpose of Co-Curricular activities? Develop Life Skills
Survey Summary – Students (206) 1) Why do students go out for, or stay involved with,Co-Curriculars? Enjoyment and/or Existing Talents Social Aspect 2) Why do students not go out for, or quit, Co-Curriculars? Some Coaching Practices Fear of Failure 3) What could the district do to get more students involved in Co-Curriculars? Promotion & Marketing 4) What is the purpose of Co-Curricular activities? Fun Stay Active
Planning Funnel (page 4)
Recent Successes & Issues (page 5) Positive Less Than Positive Intended 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) Unintended
Vision & Mission (page 6) Vision Statements Describe New Destinations. Mission Statements are Job Descriptions.
ID Vision & Priorities (page 7) Step #1: Write your organization’s new Vision here. Step #2: Identify between 4 & 6 Priorities. 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) (Optional) 6) (Optional)
Your Next Steps
Thank You! Please fill out the evaluation (page 8)