Progress Meeting on sub-national statistics Items 2_3_4_6_8 Luxembourg, 7 November 2018 Eurostat Unit E4
Progress grants 2017 Item 2 - Progress on Task 1: Assessment of feasibility of harmonisation Item 3 - Progress on Task 2: Provision of statistics Item 4 - Guidance on metadata delivery Item 6 - Plans on Communication and dissemination Item 8 - Guidance on Reporting
Grants 2017- Mandatory tasks Task 1: Assessment of feasibility of harmonisation Task 2: Provision of statistics on sub-national level Task 3: Provide metadata
Grants 2017 - Optional tasks Task 4: Complement the perception survey on quality of life in cities Task 5: Raise awareness and increase knowledge about sub-national statistics Task 6: Improvement of the use of new data sources and novel methods to produce sub- national statistics
Grants 2017 - Optional tasks Optional Task 4: Complement perception survey Task 5: Raise awareness Task 6: New data sources/methods BE X BG √ DE EE ES FR HR IT LV HU MT PT RO SK SI FI SE UK
Progress on Task 1: Assessment of feasibility of harmonisation Country Reports on harmonisation TO BE PROVIDED BG X DE ES HU SI FI SE
Progress on Task 2: Provision of statistics Data processing flow at Eurostat: - data delivery by MS - scanning for CSV files - generated automatically - database - auto-validation - checked by ESTAT - Eurobase dissemination - contact countries eDAMIS EDIT ERROR REPORT IMPORT/ PUBLICATION
Progress on Task 2: Provision of statistics Types of errors: wrong file structure Example: CSV with semicolon instead of comma delimited WRONG City code;Variable code;Reference year;Value;Flags;Footnote XX001C1;DE1001V;2017;789 RIGHT City code,Variable code,Reference year,Value,Flags,Footnote XX001C1,DE1001V,2017,789
Progress on Task 2: Provision of statistics Types of errors: wrong file format
Progress on Task 2: Provision of statistics Types of errors: values expressed using wrong measurement units WRONG Region code Variable code Reference year Value Flags Footnote XX005C1 DE1001V 2017 9988 E * 1000 EN4008V 1234 value in Tonnes RIGHT 9988000 1.234
Progress on Task 2: Provision of statistics Good practice – THANK YOU! Use of the EDIT validation tool (public version) before sending the data to Eurostat via eDAMIS => advantages on both sides Providing explanations/comments on important data issues (ex. explanations on the evolution over time) when sending the files via eDAMIS (in the sender comment field) Quick reply to our queries
Progress on Task 2: Provision of statistics Guidelines on data transmission and reporting (Vademecum on city statistics grants)
Progress on Task 2: Provision of statistics
Progress on Task 2: Provision of statistics
Progress on Task 2: Provision of statistics
Guidance on metadata delivery Link to the Metadata Handler to prepare/send the files to Eurostat: 2017 metadata delivery: provided: 12 countries missing: 6 countries
Guidance on metadata delivery Metadata information:
Guidance on metadata delivery Links: Check if not broken User friendly: to be opened in a new window Please avoid references to grant agreements or other internal documents – metadata files are public and not all users know about these
Plans on Communication and dissemination Grants 2017: Task 5 – Raise awareness and increase knowledge about sub-national statistics Preparation of electronic or printed articles/publications/reports Promotional activities: study tours, exhibitions, meetings/workshops, including promotional products (leaflets, infographic posters, videos) Data visualisation products Improvement/update of the dedicated webpages Use of social media (Facebook) Developing of mobile applications
Regional Yearbook 2018 Working Party on Regional Statistics and Rural Development 30/09-01/10 2013
RYB2018: Statistics on European cities
News item - Is your city clean enough. https://ec. europa
News item - Satisfaction with schools: EU cities compared https://ec
Regions and Cities Illustrated (RCI) https://ec. europa
Compact Guide
Guidance on Reporting Deliverables Deadlines Report on the extent of harmonisation with European definitions 1st September 2018 Data 2017 Data 2018 1st September 2019 Metadata 2017 Metadata 2018 1st October 2018 1st October 2019 Results on the complimentary perception survey No later than the closing date of the action Interim Technical Report Within 13 months after the start of the action Final report on implementation of the action 60 days following the closing date of the action Final financial statement
Guidance on Reporting
Guidance on Reporting Grants payment requests: Please indicate in the subject field of the e-mail: Country code + @ + grant agreement number + payment request
Contact: Thank you ! Contact: