FY19 Controller Call Series The presentation will begin momentarily Welcome to the FY19 Controller Call Series. this call series – *created by unit controllers and supported by Finance to review topics and inform the Controller Network about timely topics that impact the controller role. I am CS, w/ Financial Shared Services (FSS), coordinator of the CN call series, and your host for today. To anyone new to Network - *Welcome to this call series. To invite others from your team to the network, send me an email to add to the DL, or simply forward invites for topics that impact team roles. July 2019
Safety Moment (Corinne Szabo) Credit & Collections (Brad Hamman) PwC Year-End Site Audits (Yvonne Daloise, Chad Mayerhofer, Greg Steele) Late Payables / AP Record Retention (Steve Dabrowski) Questions Today’s call is the first of two Unit Controller Calls for the month of July. The content of both calls is the same. Please use the chat, or conversation, function at the lower left of the Skype screen, to ask questions as we proceed through the agenda. We will pause for your questions between each topic and also at the end of the presentation. As employees of Sodexo, no matter what level, you are expected to personally demonstrate your commitment to improving our health and safety culture. Our goal is zero accidents. A Safety Moment during every meeting will demonstrate the importance of the health and safety culture at Sodexo. Unit Controller Call July 2019
Safety Moment – Quick Share Lanyard injuries The wearing of identity and security lanyards is a common requirement. Lanyards are an important security device which help to identify authorized employees and visitors. Be aware of some safety risks associated….. Common use at Sodexo site, regardless of your role. Be aware of safety risks associated…………… especially when worn during travel in vehicles fitted with safety airbags!!!
Safety Moment – Quick Share Public authorities have issued warnings about serious accidents (non-Sodexo) where the wearing of identity lanyards around the drivers’ necks has caused serious injury when airbags have been activated in an accident. WHAT DO WE NEED TO DO? Raise awareness of the risk of injury from wearing lanyards when traveling in vehicles fitted with airbags. Take a precautionary approach and remove lanyards when traveling in vehicles In the UK, one driver was involved in a minor car accident and was wearing their company lanyard and pass. The car airbag was deployed on impact and the force of the airbag caused the lanyard and pass to be pushed into the drivers chest, causing a lung to collapse and hospital treatment required. In another accident, a hospital worker attached keys to her lanyard for medicine cabinets, lockers, etc. Unfortunately, she also had a crash that triggered the airbag. The force of the airbag caused the keys to perforate her bowel. She was in the hospital for over 6 weeks. Year-To-Date Sodexo colleagues have been involved in 40 vehicle accidents
Use TOOLS & RESOURCES on SodexoNet to access this “QUICK SHARE” and many others https://us.sodexonet.com/home.html
Credit & Collections July 2019 Brad Hamman, FSS Credit & Collections Confidential and proprietary to Sodexo. Do not share or post without proper consent.
Credit & Collections AT-A-GLANCE Why focus on Collections? Monitoring and collecting AR helps to improve the Quality of Life for our operators by identifying and resolving issues timely – plus it just makes good business sense. You work too hard to do it for nothing! You earned it, go get it. Timely AR collections demonstrates responsible oversight for Cash Flow from all levels of management – and is a key measure of Sodexo’s financial effectiveness and success Improve cash flow = Improve Days Sales Outstanding (DSO) Bill it and Bank It By Q4 Close! 8/30/2019 New Standard for Managing Receivables Training and Resources We want to hear from you! Review your Open Accounts Receivable at the AR Dashboard Document AR action plans in E=Business Review Review Collection Tips and FAQs Visit the Collection Tips page on Sodexo Net (keyword: Collection Tips) New Credit and Collections team email: Creditcollections.noram@sodexo.com
Best Practices Keep good relationships with the client and their AP department Be professional but don’t be afraid to ask questions of the client Hand deliver accurate invoices and review face to face to ensure all questions are answered Review your Open AR daily/weekly Make sure any unapplied credits/payments get posted Any incorrect invoices need to be cancelled and rebilled promptly Timely follow-up is key Be aware of Period and Quarter close deadlines (i.e. Collect It) Don’t be afraid to ask for help Catering – require a 50% advance deposit (AF Topic 701-01 Prepayments) and collect balance due at the time of service
ELECTRONIC (ACH) PAYMENTS ALERT: Quarter 4 Deadline for AR Collections for Electronic Payments (ACH) ACH payments clear via the Federal Reserve Clearinghouse in 1 to 2 business days, they are not guaranteed to clear overnight. DETERMINE WITH CLIENT FINANCE / AP WHETHER THEIR BANK ACH IS 1 or 2 DAY PROCESSING Important Dates Action Information If ACH is 2 day processing, it must be processed by them by August 28th, with a value date of August 30th by 3pm ET 2 Day ACH: Wednesday August 28th If ACH is 1 day processing, it must be processed by them by August 29th with a value date of August 30th by 3pm ET 1 Day ACH: Thursday August 29th Sodexo AR and Treasury will attempt to make alternative arrangements for Payments $100K and greater. Call the BSC AR Department at 1 800 828 7762 option 2, option 2 or the Credit and Collections Department at: CreditCollections.NorAm@sodexo.com Friday August 30th
Must Be Deposited in the Lockbox by Noon (EST) Friday August 30th US CHECKS COLLECT IT! ALERT: Quarter 4 Deadline for AR Collections for CHECK payments sent to Lockbox Must Be Deposited in the Lockbox by Noon (EST) Friday August 30th Lock Box address: Sodexo Inc & Affiliates Attn: 360170 500 Ross St 154-0455 Pittsburgh, PA 15262-0001 Telephone (412)234-4381 Total Check Amounts Important Dates Action to Take Total Checks greater than $2,500 Friday August 23 - Tuesday August 27 Overnight checks to the Lockbox address above with 2 day delivery Wednesday August 28 and Thursday August 29 Overnight checks to the Lockbox with Next Day Air EARLY AM Delivery Total Checks greater than $100,000 Thursday August 29 and Friday August 30 before 12:00 PM EST Call the BSC AR Department at 1-800-828- 7762 option 2, option 2 or email the Credit and Collections Department at: CreditCollections.NorAm@sodexo.com
CANADA Checks COLLECT IT! ALERT: Q4 Deadline for AR Collections AR Payments Must Be Deposited in the Lockbox by 10:30AM (ET) Friday, August 30th . If you have Questions Please Contact: Accounts Receivable Lockbox & Electronic Payment Contact at Financial Shared Services (FSS) 1-800-828-7762 Opt. 2, Opt. 2 Treasury Contact Paul Brock, Sodexo Corporate Treasury Department, 301-987-4327 Weds, August 28th AR Payments over $2,500 Overnight checks to the Don Mills, ON lockbox BMO Wholesale Remittance Processing Services 4 Prince Andrew Place (Loading Dock 4) Don Mills, Ontario M3C 2H4 Attn: T57840C – Sodexo Canada Ltd. 416-643-4398 Thursday, August 29th Overnight checks to the Don Mills, ON lockbox for AM delivery Friday, August 30th by Noon, ET AR Payments over $100,000 Call BSC AR at 1-800-828-7762 Option 2, Option 2 ** Corporate AR and Treasury will attempt to make alternative arrangements for large AR Payments on a best efforts basis.
WE WANT TO HEAR FROM YOU Technical issues: Help Desk 1.888.667.9111 and follow the prompts to E=Vision dashboard Functional Issues: Help Desk 1.888.667.9111 and follow the prompts to E=Vision dashboard or contact the E=Vision Reporting team at: NorAmFSIReportingandAnalysis@sodexo.com Billing and posting Questions: Please send an email to: AccountsReceivable.NorAm@sodexo.com or call 1-800-828-7762 Option 2, Option 2. Collections support and advice: Please send an email to the Credit and Collections team: Creditcollections.noram@sodexo.com
FY19 PwC Year-End Site Audit Inventory On-site & Desk Audits Yvonne Daloise, FSS Integrated Internal Control
OVERVIEW On Friday, August 30th or Saturday, August 31st Pricewaterhouse Coopers (PwC) will conduct a combination of announced and unannounced audits. Year-end Inventory audits will include the process for Sodexo-owned and client-owned/Sodexo managed Inventory accounts: On-site Audits: PwC Auditor will be physically at the unit to conduct the inventory audit. Desk Audits: PwC will not be at the unit. These audits will include a review of the inventory documentation remotely. Since August 31st falls on a Saturday this year, only units that are closed for business on Saturday are allowed to take their physical inventory count on Friday, August 30th after operations close for the day. We recommend DMs and/or Finance team members to be on-site to support those units chosen for the on-site audits when possible. The Auditor will present a business card and/or photo ID upon arrival. Please call the Audit Command Center at 1-866-372-3165 to confirm prior to start of the audit. FY19 Unit Audit Preparation
INVENTORY – AREAS OF FOCUS Audit covers Inventory included on Sodexo balance sheet Sodexo Owned or Client Owned / Sodexo Managed Refer to E=Vision on the NorAm Financials tab, in the “NorAm Key Metrics Inventory” box to see if you have a “Total Inventory” balance Ownership is also indicated on the Contract Summary Document (CBBLR-006) Tour of facilities: Auditors will ask for a blank copy of inventory count sheets. They will tour the facility and note any damaged or spoiled inventory, organization of inventory, receiving activity, and overall organization of the inventory count. Observation aspects of audit: Auditors will observe physical inventory count performed by counter and writer. Segregation of duties note: count team members should not be involved in data entry work for inventory extensions or Inventory summary report. FY19 Unit Audit Preparation
INVENTORY – AREAS OF FOCUS Verification and reconciliation aspects of audit: Auditors will select and recount a sample of items to check counter/writer’s work. They will reconcile inventory item prices used in the inventory extension calculation for reporting final inventory values to The Market Connection (TMC) pricing for in system vendors or the most current vendor invoices for out of system vendors. Keep separate copies of those invoices on hand & easily accessible for the auditor to review. Auditors will reconcile completed manual count sheets to the inventory extension report from TMC/UFS/Excel. (After August 31st as the inventory extensions are sent to the auditors) They will reconcile the inventory extension reports to the UFS Summary Report (must be reviewed/signed by management). (After August 31st as the inventory extensions are sent to the auditors) Review AF Topic 832-01 Inventory Control for further information Key Points are summarized in the Appendix on slides 17 and 18 FY19 Unit Audit Preparation
INVENTORY – AREAS OF FOCUS Invoice Cutoff Testing – To ensure invoices are being recorded in the proper period/fiscal year, PwC will be requesting: Last 5 invoices for FY 2019 First 5 invoices for FY 2020 Lower of Cost or Market Testing – To ensure the unit is charging a higher price for items then what the unit paid for them (testing 2 items): PwC will ask for the price the unit paid for a specific item – if using TMC, show price of item in TMC, if not using TMC need to show them the most current invoice PwC will need a receipt of that item being purchased FY19 Unit Audit Preparation
INVENTORY AUDIT – Best Practices Make sure that the inventory is taken after your last meal is served to ensure matching of Sales with COGS & Inventory M-F Units: take inventory Friday after last meal served 7 day Units: Either Saturday after last meal or Sunday (with BSC apprvl) Ensure that all inventory sheets are signed by both the counter and the recorder (must be different for Segregation controls). Call the command center immediately if your Unit is supposed to be audited by PwC, but the Auditor hasn’t shown up at the designated time Have a copy of the Inventory Policy and 10 Golden rules available on-site for easy and quick reference Ensure that items not to be counted are clearly identified and segregated Ensure pricing of inventory is consistent with TMC costs FY19 Unit Audit Preparation
INVENTORY AUDIT – Best Practices (Continued) Review inventory results against prior financial results by using data and KPI’s identified in e-Vision: Examine trends of COGS % to Revenue Review DoH calculation and inventory value trends Review trend results with site Management to understand fluctuations and reasons Obsolete, spoiled, and damaged inventory should be clearly identified and separated from inventory GM to ensure that inventory count sheets are properly costed and values are accurately recorded on UFS FY19 Unit Audit Preparation
INVENTORY MANAGEMENT PAGE - SODEXONET Home > Tools & Resources > Guidelines and Standards > Operations > Accounting, Finance and Insurance > Inventory Management FY19 Unit Audit Preparation
INVENTORY MANAGEMENT PAGE - SODEXONET Record Retention Packet – checklist to ensure you have the required documents. It is located on the “Inventory Management” Page, at the very bottom. Outlined in red below. On-site & Desk Audits – Units will provide all of these “Required Documents” from PD12 FY2019 to PwC. FY19 Unit Audit Preparation
NEXT STEPS PwC has notified Sodexo of the cost centers for the announced on-site audits. Those sites should have been notified by their Segment Representatives. There will also be 3-5 unannounced on-site audits. Segment Internal Control Representatives will notify the units and coordinate a conference call for affected GMs, DMs, Finance if needed. This conference call will take place prior to the audit. PwC auditors will be given a letter of introduction and instructions to have the unit manager contact their DM and the Command Center immediately. Where to go from here… DMs should encourage all unit managers to attend one of the SME calls in August (August 8th, 20th, 27th) Encourage your teams to fully utilize the help resources Verify that your team has completed the appropriate on-line training courses DMs should plan to be on site on during the audit if one of your units are chosen FY19 Unit Audit Preparation
SUPPORT RESOURCES Year End Audit Support Center on SodexoNet – Review the information posted “Ask the SME” Audit Preparation Conference Calls – Please Join Skype Information on SodexoNET, on the Year-end Audit Command Center page Dates: Thursday, August 8th 10:00am – 10:30am EST Tuesday, August 20th 3:00pm – 3:30pm EST Tuesday, August 27th 10:00am – 10:30am EST Year-End Audit Command Center Open Wednesday, August 28th – Tuesday, September 3rd Is a support resource to define/defend and to answer questions prior, during, and after the on-site audits Command Center toll free number: 866-372-3165 Contact your I2C Segment Representative (see list on next page) FY19 Unit Audit Preparation
INTERNAL CONTROL SEGMENT REPRESENTATIVES Corporate Services / Sports & Leisure / Airline Lounges Debbie Marin 630-614-4496 Debbie.Marin@sodexo.com Universities & Schools Pam Spinder 716-428-8743 Pam.Spinder@sodexo.com Hospitals Misty Naumann 716-428-8746 Misty.Naumann@sodexo.com Seniors Janice Sanford 716-932-2848 Janice.Sanford@sodexo.com Canada TBD Government Teresa Poole 760-754-1698 x 28217 Katie Hixon (area 40-00033 only) 716-428-8228 FY19 Unit Audit Preparation
INTERNAL CONTROL / AP CONTACTS Integrated Internal Control Department (I2C) Greg Steele 716-428-8563 Bob Borrelli 716-428-8744 Greg.Steele@sodexo.com Robert.Borrelli@sodexo.com Chad Mayerhofer 716-428-8124 Yvonne D’Aloise 716-428-8637 Chad.Mayerhofer@sodexo.com Yvonne.Daloise@sodexo.com Accounts Payable: Inventory Mark Dobosz 716-428-8271 Shirley Murray 716-428-8343 Mark.Dobosz@sodexo.com Shirley.Murray@sodexo.com Please call the Command Center if you are unsure about anything inventory related or regarding any part of the audit. 866-372-3165 FY19 Unit Audit Preparation
QUESTIONS FY19 Unit Audit Preparation
APPENDIX FY19 Unit Audit Preparation
INVENTORY – KEY POINTS FROM AF TOPIC 832-01 Physical inventory count – MUST be taken on Saturday, August 31st, unless your unit is closed for business on Saturday. If closed on Saturdays, the inventory count can be taken after operations close on Friday, August 30th. Ensure 2 employees or managers are scheduled to take count on this date Ensure that ALL inventory is counted in accordance to AF Topic 832-01 Inventory Control on SodexoNet. This includes items in the kitchen, storage, refrigerators and receiving areas. Reinforce Inventory training with counter and writer on proper counting methods (shelf to sheet, top to bottom, left to right) and required “Do Count”–“Don’t Count” lists by inventory location. Verify Counter and Writer sign and date manual count sheets upon completion of count (must sign first page and/or end of each section on the Market Connection inventory sheets) It’s a good practice to sign all pages. Segregation of duties in the inventory process Ensure employees or management are trained and scheduled: Counter and Writer (2 employees) Data Entry person to enter final counts into inventory tool (cannot be counter/writer) Data Entry person to enter inventory extension dollar values into UFS Inventory summary report or Hub Accounting document Manager to review UFS inventory summary report and reconcile it to the final inventory extension total report. Must sign/date and keep on file. FY19 Unit Audit Preparation
INVENTORY – KEY POINTS FROM AF TOPIC 832-01 Update inventory item prices used in the extension calculation for final inventory values. Facility units will need to update prices in the entire inventory tool (if not using TMC). Food units will need to update prices in the inventory tool used for non-TMC ordered items (i.e.. Bread, Dairy, Produce). Updates must reflect the most current vendor invoice pricing (invoices from August or most current). Period/Month End Inventory Record Retention Packet Guidelines Ensure Period/Month end inventory packet contains the following: Physical count sheets signed/dated by counter and writer Inventory extension reports that tie out to UFS Inventory Summary (Reports will be held electronically for TMC inventory tool users) UFS Inventory Summary report signed/dated by Unit Manager UFS successful transmission printout Keep Period/Month-end packet on file in unit or in archive for two (2) years per AF Topic 832-01 FY19 Unit Audit Preparation
Late Payables Steve Dabrowski, FSS Accounts Payable, Invoice Processing
Late Payables Impact: Tracking and Monitoring: Misstated Financials Vendor credit holds Service shut-offs Increased risk of duplicate payments Tracking and Monitoring: Invoice Status Lookup Portal (external only) AP Dashboard Vendor/Invoice Search Tab (internal only) Create a purchase log to track from purchase date to payment date.
Take Action to Eliminate Late Payables Paper invoices (non e-Pay/TMC) Enter in UFS and transmit daily within the period the goods/services are received. If invoices are not received timely: Contact your vendors and request that they email or fax outstanding invoices OR Ask your vendors if they offer an online option for retrieving invoices. Electronic invoices (e-Pay/TMC) Reconcile and approve daily within the period the goods/services are received. If invoices do not appear in e-Pay or TMC timely: Contact your vendors to determine if the invoice has been sent. Submit a Missing Invoice Investigation Form (on SodexoNet) – these invoices will be automatically accrued if AP’s investigation has not been completed by period end. Accrue for open invoices not available by the end of the fiscal period. This includes electronic invoices for which a missing invoice investigation form has not been submitted.
Accounts Payable YE Processing Deadlines Vendor Invoices Electronic invoices can be approved in TMC or e-Pay through 12:00pm ET on Tuesday, September 3 (BD+2). They will post based on the invoice date as follows: August invoice dates (or prior) will post to August 31. September invoice dates will post to the invoice approval date. Paper invoices can be transmitted in UFS through 12:00pm ET on Tuesday, September 3 (BD+2). They will be posted to the week ending date that is open in UFS. Concur – Expense Reports and P-Card Submit all outstanding purchase card transactions on an expense report by August 27. Accrual (P-card only) includes un-submitted transactions, transactions waiting for approval, and transactions on approved expense reports which have not been released by the Expense Report team.
Vendor Invoice Accrual – Standard Close Adjustment Form Go to the Forms Center on SodexoNet. Select S under the Alphabetical filter. Apply the filter, then go to page 6. Download the Standard Close Adjustment Form. Update the Cover Page tab, then select and complete the Late Payable tab. Email the completed form to the applicable Client Services mailbox. The Cover Page tab and Instructions tab have more information if needed. Important: The $2,500 JE threshold does NOT apply for fiscal year-end.
Late Payables Resources SodexoNet: Accounts Payable Support Center Search “AP Support Center” Email or call: APEDIAdministrator.NorAm@sodexo.com APUnitProcessingCorrespondence.NorAm@sodexo.com 1-800-828-7762 opt 1, then 2 Accruals – ClientAccounting.NorAm@sodexo.com Reporting & Analysis: E=vision Enterprise Analysis: AP Dashboard Invoice Register Invoice Status
Record Retention Note: This Dark Blue background color slide treatment is for projection and print for EXTERNAL Audiences. It may also be used for Internal Audiences when projected on screen. (Do not print this cover for internal audience hand-outs.)
Record Retention – Missing Docs Scan and Email: Print and Mail: OR RecordRetentionBuffalo.usa@Sodexo.com