Network meeting 8th July 2010 1. Assessment, tracking and intervention 3. Provision for developing wider outcomes 2. Structured conversations with parents Children and young people Network meeting 8th July 2010
Agenda Progress of project against impact measures – Summer Term Key teacher training School Project Leads – Review of the project – WWW, SOSO, EBI AfA Implementation Plans 2010/11 Involving wider school stakeholders – Govs, SIPs, Parents, Collaboratives
Project Progress Good overall progress for the Summer Term Impact Measures overall are graded as Mostly Met Grading from 22/33 schools visited this term (3 left to include in this)
IM 1 The extent to which AfA is integrated into the support and challenge offered to the leadership in schools IM3 – The extent to which AfA is having an impact on target setting IM4 – 1. Schools engagement in programmes IM4- (2 - LA QA of Programmes) IM5 – The number of structured conversations IM6 - The parental satisfaction with structured conversations IM7 – The effectiveness of Strand 3 work All targets met 17 (77%) 15 (68%) 13 (59%) 11 (50%) 8 (36%) Most Targets met 3 (14%) 4 (18%) Some Targets met 2(9%) 1 (5%) 5 (23%) Below expectation 2 (9%) No data yet 22 (100%) Overall Grade
Key teacher training Primary – Burnley Brow Katie Bradley – Programme Lead 4 teachers per school – KS1 & KS2 - Pairs Secondary – Blue Coat Lisa Dobson – Programme Lead 6 Teachers per School – 2 per term – Pairs Participation in these programs is EXPECTED
Review of the project WWW – What’s working well for you? - positive impacts of the project - successes with parents, children, staff & schools - changes of ethos/working/systems examples to give?
SOSO – What’s going okay but you’re a little stuck! - What is it? - What help are you looking for? - What are the barriers to greater success?
EBI – Even Better If? - What needs changing in the project? Why? - What are you struggling with? - What help do you need?
AfA Implementation Plans 2010/11 These will be embedded into you School’s Development Plans Need to be costed and monitoring set in place Planning for Conversations – when etc Could use SSET to develop these In place for end of September
Involving wider school stakeholders Governors SIPs Parents Collaboratives How are you planning on informing these people about the progress of the project?
Thank you for all your hard work this year Thank you for all your hard work this year. Have a fantastic summer break.