Daily Data Used for Decision Making
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Daily Data Used for Decision Making (TSJ/6/08) ADDED ACTIVITY - We know that you will face challenges in your district. You are going to brainstorm what challenges you may face. Remember no cross talking or critiquing ideas. Just say ideas and write down. Participants used focus four to narrow down the list to top 5. Clarify procedure. 5 minutes given. Now use the Delphi procedure to get your top 2. Have teams share top 2. 4 minutes per challenge and generate tasks on how address the challenges, be clear and specific so that you increase the likelihood that you will do it. See if anyone had a challenge that they felt like they could use a little input on. 2/23 2/24 2/25 2/26 2/27 3/1 3/2 3/3 3/4 3/5