Skills-Based Volunteering Contributing lifelong wisdom and career skills
Skills-Based Volunteering Leveraging the specialized skills and talents of individuals to strengthen the infrastructure of nonprofits, helping them build and sustain their capacity to successfully achieve their missions. - Corporation for National & Community Services Skills-Based Volunteering
Skilled Volunteer Roles Friendly visitor/caller Dementia Live demos Memory Café Write articles Give presentations Plan events Lead Dementia Friends conversations Record life stories Fundraise Co-facilitate support groups
Volunteer’s Expectations Make a difference, fulfillment Match skills with assignment Build job skills and resume Flexibility, shorter terms Online recruitment Investment in volunteers Amenities – transportation, food, stipend, childcare Training – mental health first aid, first aid, computer skills Recognition of contributions and impact Strong Leadership Connection to the organization and/or other volunteers Volunteer’s Expectations
What motivates volunteers? 8/29/2019 What motivates volunteers? Autonomy Purpose Mastery - the desire to be self directed - making a difference. Contributions will have real value - being able to use and improve skills & knowledge Daniel Pink - Drive
Preparing to use skilled volunteers Agency culture Job description Expectations of the role Outcomes identified Benefits to the volunteer Risk management processes Structure for supporting, recruiting, training and evaluating volunteers by training staff. Preparing to use skilled volunteers
***Integrate volunteers into you strategic plan*** Shift your language “Volunteer” or Pro bono ___ Fundraiser Project Manager Consultant Describe the work done Community drivers Helper Doer ***Integrate volunteers into you strategic plan***
Volunteer cultivation Intentional Targeted Personal Planned Explicit - impact Easy to sign up Quick to start Volunteer cultivation
Strategies Develop a strategic plan that includes volunteers Develop well-defined roles within the organization Establish measures to determine impact, share with volunteers and others Provide opportunities for developing connections with other volunteers and the organization Assign appropriate tasks according to skills and desires Focus on how they help their community vs. help your organization Create inclusive organizational culture Remove barriers – language, lack of flexibility, background checks, policies
Thank you! Carrie Diamond, Transportation & Volunteer Specialist 608-228-8092