World-Leading Research with Real-World Impact! CS 6393: Cyber Security Models and Systems CS 4593: Cyber Security Models and Systems (cross-listed) Project Guidelines 2 Ravi Sandhu Spring 2019 © Ravi Sandhu World-Leading Research with Real-World Impact!
Attack/Vulnerability Outline What is it? When? Why is it impactful? What is technically novel? Incident response, by an organization, by the community Technical mitigation: new or previously known Mitigation limits Lessons learned Anything else you consider significant List of references used: Primary, Secondary, Recommended reading © Ravi Sandhu World-Leading Research with Real-World Impact!
World-Leading Research with Real-World Impact! Technology Outline What is it? When? Maturity? Scope (important) Why is it impactful? What is technically novel? What is important from a security perspective? From whose viewpoint? What is novel from a security perspective Technical solutions: new or previously known Limits to how secure we can make this Future outlook Anything else you consider significant List of references used: Primary, Secondary, Recommended reading © Ravi Sandhu World-Leading Research with Real-World Impact!