Plant classification
All plants can be classified into: Non-flowering Flowering
Non- flowering plants They don’t produce flowers, seeds or fruits. They reproduce by spores.
They are two main groups of non-flowering plants Mosses and Ferns grow in dark and humid places (moist conditions) Mosses Ferns They are two main groups of non-flowering plants
Mosses They are very small plants with: Leaf, Tiny stem Rhizoids (roof structures) They support the plant to the soil. They don’t take the water from soil. (stem and leaves absorb the water) Their spores are produced in a capsula (at the end of the filament)
Ferns They are larger than mosses. They have: Stem which grows underground- (Rhizome) (Roof and leaves grow from rhizome) Large leaves – (Fronds) Their spores are formed on the underside of the leaves – Sori
Flowering plants They produce flowers and seeds in order to reproduce, (in only one season of the year)
They are two main groups of flowering plants Gymnosperms Angiosperms They are two main groups of flowering plants
Gymnosperms They have small, simple flowers. They don’t produce fruit. Their seeds are grouped together in cones. They are perennials /evergreen (they have leaves all year round)
Angiosperms They have large, beautiful flowers. They produce fruit with seeds inside. They could be deciduous or perennial. (they lose their leaves in autumn) Most plants we eat are angiosperm.
Plants Flowering - plants Non- flowering plants Mosses Ferns Gymnosperms Angiosperms
Parts of plants Leaf / leaves: of a plant play an important role in the plant. The leaves capture sunlight and use it along with carbon dioxide to produce food for the plant. TO gives off oxygen Stem: or the trunk are in charge to take water and nutrients to the leaves or flower Spores: a primitive usually unicellular often environmentally resistant dormant or reproductive body produced by plants, fungi, and some microorganisms Roof: function is absorve water from the soil and take it to other parts of the plant Branch: The function of a branch on a tree is to grow leaves to produce photosyntisis Flower: contains the reproductive organs of a plant. The main parts of a flower are the calyx, corolla, staments and pistil.
leaves seeds flower fruit roofs stem