ESF Leavers Survey 2010: Use of Counterfactual Impact Evaluation
Why CIE and ESF interventions aimed at those out of work? Key Questions: Does participation in an ESF funded project increase the likelihood of those previously out of work gaining employment? What would participants have done in the absence of ESF? Ewrop & Chymru: Buddsoddi yn eich Dyfodol Europe and Wales: Investing in your future Ewrop & Chymru: Buddsoddi yn eich dyfodol Europe & Wales: Investing in your future
Main challenges No random allocation Preparatory work Choice of control group Choice of statistical matching technique Communication Contractor skill set Ewrop & Chymru: Buddsoddi yn eich Dyfodol Europe and Wales: Investing in your future Ewrop & Chymru: Buddsoddi yn eich dyfodol Europe & Wales: Investing in your future
Maximising use of CIE Monitoring data Developed participant database to match national datasets Consultants independently assessed feasibility of using CIE with the data WEFO holds Issue of consent for data linking Ewrop & Chymru: Buddsoddi yn eich Dyfodol Europe and Wales: Investing in your future Ewrop & Chymru: Buddsoddi yn eich dyfodol Europe & Wales: Investing in your future
Dissemination and use of results Evidence for Senior Management Team of effectiveness of match funding Evidence for Commission of effectiveness of ESF Evidence for projects of effectiveness of activity/delivery Use Results just in; will be used in negotiations for next programming round Ewrop & Chymru: Buddsoddi yn eich Dyfodol Europe and Wales: Investing in your future Ewrop & Chymru: Buddsoddi yn eich dyfodol Europe & Wales: Investing in your future