Effects of the Industrialization Modern Era: 1750-1914
Social Impacts New Family structure (working out of home) Population growth explodes New social mobility Distinct roles for men and women Social Darwinism vs. Gospel of Wealth New division of classes (no longer by nobility) Proletariat, middle class, wealthy
Political Impacts Participation by citizens Revolutions due to interactions/ideas spreading Colonial Domination of dependent nations New Political parties/groups New forms of gov’t: Democracy, collectivism
Impacts in Interaction Land becomes privatized (enclosure movement) Imperialism: Conquering for materials Europe becomes a battleground between economic powers and national fervor Technology: Steam Locomotive (1820s), Steamship (1807), Combustion Engine (1885), Airplane (1903), Bessemer Process (1885), Automobile (1885ish) Communication: Telegraph, Telephone, Postal System
Cultural Impacts Eli Whitney invents Interchangeable parts Luddite Backlash Light bulb (1879), Radio (1890s) More diversity in many cities (from 1450-1750) Pollution: Lack of Fresh air, sunshine, minimal police led to despair/hopelessness/depression
Important People Andrew Carnegie - Philanthropy Adam Smith - Capitalism Karl Marx - Communism Thomas Malthus – Theory of Rent Robert Owen – Socialism Thomas Edison – Light Bulb Henry Ford – Ford Model T Car
Economic Impacts Karl Marx: Communist Manifesto Adam Smith: Capitalism (Wealth of nations) Ending of the Slave Trade (late 19thc) Little government regulation in Industrial Revolution at first Work-life becomes extremely difficult New forms of economy Socialism, Communism, Capitalism