Homework Question
Homework Question
Homework Question
Homework Question
Determinants Essential Question: How do you evaluate the determinant of a matrix? Students will write a summary on how to evaluate the determinant of a matrix.
Key Terms Associated with each square _____ matrix is a real number called its _________________. Ex . The determinant of matrix A is denoted by ________ or by |A|.
Key Concepts Determinant of a 2x2 matrix Determinant of a 3x3 matrix
2x2 Determinants Evaluate the determinant of the matrix. -7
You Try it!! 2x2 Determinants Evaluate the determinant of the matrix. 15
3x3 Determinant Evaluate the determinant of the matrix. 45
3x3 Determinant Evaluate the determinant of the matrix. -22
You Try it!! 3x3 Determinant Evaluate the determinant of the matrix.
Write your Summary to the Essential Question HOMEWORK Workbook – Pg. 50 1,2; 4-9 Write your Summary to the Essential Question