PE-course Project Organised Learning (POL) Mm 4: Project Management Master of Science – Introductory Semester (E7 – Intro) Lecturer: Lars Peter Jensen Ass. teacher: Xiangyun Du
Project Management Contents: The project settings and goal Managing people: Co-operation contract, Team health assessment Project Planning, managing time: Activity diagram How long time do we need for a given activity? - how to make a qualified guess The Gantt chart Project monitoring
Project goal and settings
Agree on the goal, or you won’t reach it! OR GET ON A DESERT WALK
Be aware of your differences YOU ARE STUPID ! WE DON’T KNOW
Project Management Includes : Management of people Management of time
The co-operation agreement – A tool for project management Expectations and ambitions ? Meetings – How often ? – What if somebody is late ? Organising meetings , chairman, referee, use of blackboard ? Division of labor ? What kind of response do you give within the group ? How do you prepare a meeting with your supervisor ?
Self and group exercise on assessment of Team assessment How ’well’ is your Team ? Self and group exercise on assessment of Team ”Health Profile”
Management of time Is management of (often unpredictable) change via project planning and project monitoring Project planning – what is it? 50 % thinking ahead 25 % communication 25 % yardstick
Project Planning - What does it consist of? A model of the project, including all activities = tasks, that together constitute the complete project How can the model be used? To experiment with, without actually carrying out the timing and scheduling of activities of the project As a yardstick against which to measure progress and monitor the project As a basis for a regular review and update process, e.g. Plan the remaining part of the project
14X 6X 10X 2X 8X 4X X Total: 70X
How to find X ? What is X then ? We need 70 X There is 6 members of the group There are 35 half project day until finish What is X then ? X = 35/70 [½project day] = ½ [½project day] ? X = (35/70)x6 [½man day] = 3 [½man day]
Uge 43 44 45 46 48 49 50 51 dag F m o f t
Uge 43 44 45 46 48 49 50 51 dag F m o f t Problemanalyse 6
Uge dag Problemanalyse 6 Procesanalyse 3 Kravspecifikation 3 43 44 45 46 48 49 50 51 dag F m o f t Problemanalyse 6 Procesanalyse 3 Kravspecifikation 3
Uge dag Problemanalyse 6 Procesanalyse 3 Kravspecifikation 3 43 44 45 46 48 49 50 51 dag F m o f t Problemanalyse 6 Procesanalyse 3 Kravspecifikation 3 Valg af delproces 6 Kodning delproces 2 Procesmodel 2 Kodning model 4 Test+vurdering 6 Teknologi..+samfund6 Afslutning 6
Gannt chart (Timescedule)
Project Monitoring Why has some activities taken to long time? Can we compensate for the delay by working harder? Is it possible to reorganize the work schedule If we are to cut out some activities, which one? What are the consequences of each of these choices?
Exercises: Make a co-operation agreement. Make an activity diagram for the rest of the P1 period and use this for scheduling the time. Plan how to monitor your time scedule.