We Believe: Students should, can, and will take responsibility for their own learning when given the opportunity. Students should be actively engaged in solving problems in their communities. Students should be given access to relevant and challenging resources and tools to use in solving these identified problems. Students should be allowed (indeed required) to collaborate with each other and with professionals in their communities as they grow and develop their capacity to be positive agents of change.
Inside the EAST Environment
Creating The EAST Environment Part One: The Physical Environment More closely resembling a business or work place than a traditional classroom.
Creating The EAST Environment Part Two: The Educational Environment Interdependent Dependent Independent Self-Actualized Educational Environment: Focusing the student on being in charge of their own learning and growth.
Creating The EAST Environment Part Three: The Environment of Expectations EAST places incredibly high expectations on its students by asking that they make a difference in their communities using relevant tools. Ordinary students can and should push themselves to achieve to their highest potential and achieve extraordinary results—not just “gifted” or advanced students. Environment of Expectations: Building a culture of expectation for the student, class, school and community.
For More Information on the EAST Initiative www.eastinitiative.org © 2006 EAST, Inc. All Rights Reserved