TOTAL BUDGET 2000-2001 THROUGH 2010-2011
Dear Voter: The budget proposal contained in this document represents Region 16’s effort to be respectful of and responsible to the citizens of Prospect and Beacon Falls in these difficult economic times. For the fourth year in a row, this year’s message to the District leadership was “what can we do without and still work toward the achievement of our mission”. Significant efforts were made to offset increased costs that are beyond our ability to control, such as the increased medical premiums and energy costs. This budget represents the collected effort of the entire Administrative Team, and I feel it is responsive to our current economic situation. Getting to a .41% increase: Personnel reductions = $922,132 - Savings due to early retirement incentive - $198,294 - Certified and non-certified positions cut or reduced - $723,838 Technology – total reductions = $910,950 Equipment and Furniture – total reductions = $28,794 Contingencies – total reductions = $52,000 Energy Improvement Program = $84,000 Bond Refunding = $235,774
REGIONAL SCHOOL DISTRICT #16 ENROLLMENT TRENDS SCHOOL YEARS 2001 / 2002 THROUGH 2010 / 2011 2,680 2,665 2,684 2,700 2,615 2,621 2,534 2,584 2,554 2,419 1,638 (61.21%) 1,637 (61.43%) 1,652 (61.56%) 1,636 (61.59%) 1,586 (60.65%) 1,604 (60.20%) 1,530 (61.37%) 1,553 (60.10%) 1,540 (60.30%) 1,483 (60.31%) 1,064 (39.41%) 1,017 (38.80%) 1,004 (39.62%) 1,029 (39.35%) 1,042 (39.88%) 1,028 (38.57%) 1,032 (38.44%) 1,031 (39.90%) 1,014 (38.70%) 936 (38.69%) 01-02 02-03 03-04 04-05 05-06 06-07 07-08 08-09 09-10 10-11
WHERE THE MONEY GOES (TOTAL DOLLARS $36,768,315) Administrative Salaries $1,465,150 (3.98%) Purchased Services $3,529,643 (9.60%) Non-Instructional Supplies $492,473 (1.34%) Transportation $2304,106 (6.27%) Instructional Supplies $1,309,791 (3.56%) Support Staff Salaries $3,813,461 (10.34%) Tuition $1,111,412 (3.02%) Debt Service $3,252,970 (8.85%) Major Building Improvements $160,212 (0.44%) Employee Benefits $5,092,028 (13.85%)
USE OF SCHOOL FEES COLLECTED Region 16’s revenues come from three sources State grants which come directly to Region 16 Various funds which are received from sources such as interest earned, carry over funds from the previous year and use of building fees collected. The Towns of Prospect and Beacon Falls from town tax revenues and the ECS grant the towns receive from the State. The following graph shows the distribution of these funds SOURCES OF OPERATING REVENUE WHERE THE MONEY COMES FROM TOTAL DOLLARS: $36,768,315 BEACON FALLS ECS GRANT $4,044,804 (10.97%) PROSPECT ECS GRANT $5,319,201 (14.47%) BEACON FALLS TAXES $9,267.848 (25.24%) Parking Fees WRHS $9,500 (0.03%) INTEREST INCOME $5,000 (0.01%) PROSPECT TAXES $14,899,226 (40.52%) STATE GRANTS $585,809 (1.59%) STATE REIMBURSEMENT FOR CONSTRUCTION $2,021,927 (5.50%) USE OF SCHOOL FEES COLLECTED $15,000 (0.04%) 2010-2011 CARRY OVER $600,000 (1.63%)
ESTIMATED NET EXPENSES TO BE PAID BY MEMBER TOWNS In order to determine the expenses to be paid by member towns of the Region, the net expenses are calculated by taking the total expenditures required and subtracting the revenue from State and local sources. ESTIMATED NET EXPENSES TO BE PAID BY MEMBER TOWNS PROPOSED 2011 – 2012 BUDGET Budget $36,768,315 Less State / Federal Grants to Region 16 Transportation 185,756 Special Education 397,958 Adult Education 2,095 Expenses -- Sub–Total 585,809 $36,182,506 Less State Reimbursement for: Laurel Ledge School Principal & Interest 117,685 Long River Middle School Principal & Interest 348,506 Community School Principal & Interest 49,066 Woodland Regional High School Principal & Interest 1,506,670 Expenses -- Sub-Total 2,021,927 $34,160,579 Less Estimated Interest Income 5,000 $34,155,579 Less Estimated Parking Fees at WRHS 9,500 $34,146,079 6. Less Use of Schools Fees Collected 15,000 $34,131,079 7. Less Anticipated 2009 – 2010 General Fund Carry-over 600,000 $33,531,079 Then, the remaining balance is divided between the two towns based upon the actual student enrollment. The proportion for this assessment is as follows: Beacon Falls – 39.702% and Prospect – 60.298%. These proportional payments represent the Net Cost to each member town.
NET COST TO MEMBER TOWNS Total Net Expenses: $33,531,079 Enrollment: 2,554 Proportioned Enrollment: Beacon Falls: 1,014 39.702% Prospect: 1,540 60.298% Proportioned Net Expenses to Member Towns: Beacon Falls Prospect Total $13,312,652 $20,218,427 $33,531,079 Less ECS Grant $ 4,044,804 $ 5,319,201 $ 9,364,005 Net Cost to Towns: $ 9,267,848 $14,899,226 $24,167,074 New Increase / Decrease to Member Towns: 2010 – 2011 2011 – 2012 Change % of Change Beacon Falls: $ 9,126,039 $ 9,267,848 $ 141,809 1.55% Prospect: $14,520,414 $ 14,899,226 $ 378,812 2.61%
CHANGES MADE TO THE PROPOSED 2011-2012 ► $28,794 cut made to the schools’ equipment and furniture accounts. ► $910,850 cut from the technology equipment account. ► $34,000 cut from the schools’ major building improvement accounts. ► $684,886 cut from the certified staff account by eliminating 3 full time and 1 part time teachers from the Elementary Schools, plus 1 Guidance Counselor, 2 part time teaching positions and reducing 2 teaching position to half time at Woodland Regional High School. Total includes $198,000 in early retirement savings in the salary account. ► $234,246 cut from non certified staff account by eliminating 1 full time and 4 part time Paraprofessionals; and 1 full time media center aid at Woodland, 1 full time computer aid at Long River Middle School, and the elimination of 1 full time maintenance person region wide. ► $ 5,000 cut from the high school library book account. ► $52,000 cut from the Special Education tuition account. TOTAL CHANGES MADE WERE $1,949,776.00 (5.30%)