Careers and career choices
Self knowledge for career choices There are 3 steps which will be discussed in this this unit that will help you make a career choice. Self knowledge means knowing who you are, what interests you, what your strengths and weaknesses are.
STEP 1: Know your own interests, abilities, talents and strengths. What are your interests? What do you like to spend your time doing? About what would you like to learn more? What are your abilities? What can you do well? These include skills you can work on to improve What are your talents? These are your natural abilities you were born with
What are your strengths? The things that you are always good at What are your weaknesses? What are you not so good at? What do you not enjoy doing? Interests, strengths and abilities can be grouped together into personality types…
Personality types Realistic- prefers working with hands, tools or objects Investigative- likes to know, learn, and analyse Artistic- likes to use imagination and creativity Social- concerned about others and their needs Enterprising- enjoys influencing and leading others Conventional- likes routine and rules
STEP 2: Know more about jobs, occupations, careers and career fields
STEP 2: Know more about jobs, occupations, careers and career fields If you have a job, you are employed and get paid for working Requires basic training Occupations This is the work that you do Usually requires special education, training or skill Careers This is an occupation that you have for a larger part of your life Gives you opportunities to progress and be promoted Career fields This is a grouping of occupations The occupations have common skills, knowledge and work settings
Career field
STEP 3: Know the requirements for the National Curriculum Statement (NCS) CHOOSE THE RIGHT SUBJECTS…. Requirements for the NCS: The NCS is the policy on curriculum and assessment at school It explains what knowledge, skills and values you should learn It provides access to larger education and helps with the move from school to work
Subjects and career options From Grades 10 to 12 you need Two official languages (At least one must be on th home language level) Mathematics or Mathematical Literacy Life Orientation Plus three other subjects (that can be chosen from a list of subjects)
Life domains Domain = an area Quality of life = how well you live/ satisfied with who you are. If you want to know your quality of life = look at you life domains. Knowing your domains will help you choose a career. Domains will help you see what is important to you. 3 Areas: Being Becoming Community belonging
1. Being Who you are : 3 Aspects: Physical: health, nutrition, exercise, hygiene, clothing, physical appearance. Psychological: mental health, thinking, feelings, self-awareness, self-control. Spiritual: values, rules on how to act and behave, morals, spiritual and religious beliefs
2. Becoming Is what you do to achieve your goals, hopes and wishes. Includes: becoming who you want to be, what you want to have and what you wish to do. 3 Aspects in becoming domain: Practical becoming: everyday actions you take to live. Leisure becoming: activities that promote relaxation and lessen your stress Growth becoming: activities to promote, improve/ keep the standard of your knowledge and skills.
3. Community belonging Includes: Fitting in with your physical environment and Being accepted by your social environment/people around you. 3 Aspects in domain: Physical belonging: link with your physical environment: home, school, workplace, neighbourhood, community. Social belonging: links with social environment: family, friends, teachers, co-workers, neighbourhood, community. Community belonging: Your access to resources and services available to community members: clinics, health services, employment, income to live comfortably, education, recreational and sport community activities.
Life domain: Being Physical being Jogging, how I look, clothes I wear. Psychological being Self-control, being in charge of my feelings, self-knowledge. Spiritual Values, beliefs, praying, my ideas of good and bad behaviour. Becoming Practical becoming Schoolwork, having a Saturday job at the library. Leisure becoming PE, hikes, jogging, dancing, TV, music, talking to friends. Growth becoming Getting fit, living healthily, coping with being a teenager.
Homework: Activity 3 Belonging Physical belonging Where I live, my neighbourhood. Social belonging My friends and family. Community belonging Going to the clinic, taking part in community activities, having enough money to live well. Homework: Activity 3