An Introduction to World Religions 2012-01-10
2012-01-10 Agenda Attendance Zoroastrianism
Abstract due January 19, 2012 The thesis of the paper (what the student will argue) (one paragraph), The paper’s structure (how the student will go about demonstrating his or her point) (one paragraph)
Common convictions of Abrahamic Faiths Personal and awesome goodness of the living God Human beings have moral choice. God has revealed himself to human beings. Miraculous divine interventions History will have a happy ending since God is good and unstoppable.
Zoroastrianism Magi were probably Zoroastrian Battle between light and darkness Eschatology: end of history Paradise: divine realm and abode of the blessed
Zoroaster = Zarathustra Saw a vision of Ahura Mazda and six Amesha Spentas (Good Spirits?) Battling against Ahriman / Angra Mainyu (evil spirit) and his daevas. Truth vs. Lie; Light vs. Darkness Ahriman wants to win over humanity. But when humans choose the good, Ahriman’s power is weakened. Ahura Mazda rewards humans for choosing good.
Zoroastrianism’s Theoretical Beliefs Basic Worldview Made by Ahura Mazda with free will to help trap and defeat the enemy The universe is a battleground between good and evil Destiny of Humans Ultimate Reality Judgement after death, sentence to paradise or hell; resurrection in the new world at the end of the age the good high God, Ahura Mazda, whose adversary is the evil force. Origin of the World Mediation between divine and human Made by Ahura Mazda to entrap the evil force Revelation through the prophet Zoroaster; mediation by priests Destiny of the World At the end of the age, to be made as a new, pristine paradise Origin of Humans
Zoroastrianism’s Practical and Sociological Features What is expected of humans To choose the good, do right, keep pure To maintain the faith by supporting its rites and institutions Asceticism is not approved Fire temples keep a perpetual fire burning. Major social institutions Temples, priesthood, a close-knit community Now mostly Parsees in India
Zoroastrian Scriptures Zend Avesta Compiled in the Sasanian dynasty (224-651 CE) Composed of Gathas (hymns) and later priestly material.
Zoroastrianism’s influence on Judaism The Hebrew people were exiled in Babylon in the 6th century BCE, and came in contact with Persian ideas. At that time they began to develop the following beliefs: Resurrection Final judgement New heaven and new earth Heaven and hell
A famous Zoroastrian Freddy Mercury
For Homework For Thursday, 12:15 For Monday, 11:15 For Tuesday, 1:15 Read Proverbs 1-3; 10-12; What two kinds of people does Proverbs describe? What is the difference between them? Read Genesis 1-3; 6-9; 12; 13; 16; 17; 21; 22 For Monday, 11:15 Read pages 239-255 of chapter on “Judaism” in Living Religions Write “Quiz on Judaism 1” For Tuesday, 1:15 Read Exodus 1-10; 19