TITLE Your Institute Name and Logo Names of Author(s) Affiliation / Company Preparation of your poster The poster should be standard A0 size, which means that the poster should not exceed 841 mm wide and 1189 mm high (vertical). Please print the poster as a standard A0 PDF document and print the PDF file in a copy shop. Please maintain a one centimetre border on all sides of the document (remove the border marker once your poster is ready). You are free to decide the layout of the body of the poster. The presentation MUST BE IN ENGLISH. Poster presentation at the Congress venue You must bring your completed poster to the Congress yourself. There will be NO facility to print or prepare the poster at the Congress. Your poster shall be displayed at the congress, on the central foyer on the 1st floor. A detailed location will be announced in the program book, which you will find in your congress bag. Please place your poster on the dates provided at http://www.ica2019.org/authors/guidelines-posters/ . Please use only the area which is assigned for your poster. Labels on the display boards will help you find your assigned location. Material will be available to hold your poster to the board. Please stand by your poster during the time of your poster forum (as named in acceptance email / conference app). It will give you the chance to discuss and explain your poster. Paper for the proceedings In the proceedings, the length of the corresponding final paper for a poster is equal to that of an oral presentation. 1cm border – please remove the red marks once your poster is ready. Your Institute Name and Logo