Takii and Sakata Saturday April 5th 2014 Joe Rawley Larry Janeczek Gary Lee
American Takii Petunia African Sunset AAS Award Winner
American Takii Agastache Arizona Series
American Takii Ornamental Pepper Mambo 2 colors Ornamental Pepper Conga
Sakata Seed Viola Colormax - NEW Large flowered Viola with NO pansy blood bred into the Viola More vigor than most other violas on the market Flower size may shrink some during summer heat This series will create a lot of flower power per square foot Superior weather tolerance and very good for over wintering 10 colors plus a mix (Mix will only contain clear colors)
Sakata Seed Zinnia Profusion and Profusion Double New Slick type coating available in 2015 New Sunrise Double Mix Fade tolerant colors Doubles are perfect for large containers Easy to grow and longer flowering than other series Not as susceptible to leaf spot as Zahara
Sakata Seed Danessa Primula acaulis - NEW Danessa requires no cold vernilization to initiate flowers Flowers 3 weeks earlier than Danova Compact habit for pot-tight production Earliest acaulis on the market Pink with Rose Eye
Sakata Seed Snapdragon Candy Showers Trailing habit Strong blooming under short days Flowers up and down the entire stem Available in a multi-pellet (5-7 seeds per pellet) 3 plants per 10” pot For a better looking basket use multiple colors New color: White
Sakata Vegetative Petunias Pink Radiance (was Cotton Candy in the PW line) Two bicolor: Blue Star and Rose Star Violet Bouquet is a two tone light violet and dark All Sakata petunias have strong mounding and semi trailing habit, early to bloom and very floriferous Available from Oro Farms and Danzinger Pink Radiance Blue Violet Bouquet
Sakata - Calipetite Calibrachoa Naturally compact Dense mounding plants New colors: Mid Blue Need no supplemental lighting Yellow is slightly smaller than rest of series Will continue to bloom all summer for the consumer Available as a URC through Dummen
Sakata Petunia Supercal The All Weather Petunia Durable flowers which are long lasting Higher pH tolerance prevents yellow foliage Best grown cold 2-3ppm Bonzi works well as a growth regulator Neon Rose is the most popular color New colors: Cherry Improved, Grape and Salmon Glow Colors that bloom at the same time: Artist Rose, Blushing Pink, Violet, Pink Ice and Terra Cotta Grape Cherry
Sakata - Impatiens Sunpatien Compact Breed for small pots (Great for quarts) No PGR’s needed Unaffected by Downy Mildew New colors: Pink and Royal Magenta (Improvement) (Compact series) Won the Home Depot Garden Trial Award Royal Magenta Shell Pink
Sakata - Impatiens Sunpatien Spreading Ideal for baskets Unaffected by Downy Mildew New colors: Clear White, Scarlet Red and Shell Pink Spreading Shell Pink