Fig. 8. Enhancement of the Ptp4E Ptp10D cyst phenotype by elevation of Rho activity.(A) Rho1-CA expression in a wild-type (w1118) background produced strong.


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Fig. 8. Enhancement of the Ptp4E Ptp10D cyst phenotype by elevation of Rho activity.(A) Rho1-CA expression in a wild-type (w1118) background produced strong tracheal morphogenesis defects, including loss of intersegmental fusion of the DT (arrows) and LT (arrowheads). Enhancement of the Ptp4E Ptp10D cyst phenotype by elevation of Rho activity.(A) Rho1-CA expression in a wild-type (w1118) background produced strong tracheal morphogenesis defects, including loss of intersegmental fusion of the DT (arrows) and LT (arrowheads). (B) Rho1-CA expression in the Ptp4E Ptp10D background converted the TC/LT region into bubble-like structures (arrows). Cysts were present on most DBs (B,C, arrowheads) (see also Fig. 3E). (D,E) Visualization of LT bubble networks at higher magnification, using double-staining with anti-Crumbs (apical marker; green) and anti-E-cadherin (junctional marker; magenta/white). (E) shows that adherens junction markers were present within some of the bubbles. (F–H) When DN RTKs were expressed together with Rho1-CA in Ptp4E Ptp10D embryos, the TC/LT regions still had abnormal morphologies like those in (B). Arrows in (F) and (H) indicate DB cysts in Egfr-DN and Pvr-DN-expressing embryos. Scale bars for (A,B,F–H): 20 µm; for (C–E): 10 µm). Mili Jeon et al. Biology Open 2012;bio.2012471 © 2012. Published by The Company of Biologists Ltd