Smart Urban Green Dr. Timo von Wirth DRIFT, Erasmus University Rotterdam Oslo, May 20th 2019
The challenge to create change (in urban landscapes)
Addressed challenges & objectives Smart-U-Green aims at: co-creating knowledge on new options for governance taking into account conflicting perspectives on urban landscape quality and the need to synthesize expert and lay knowledge. analyze conflicting perspectives on urban landscape quality. analyze and evaluate local policy-making using sustainability indicators. develop and explore innovative options for governance to be operationalized in experimental area-development strategies.
Case study regions
Achievements / New insights Work Package Achievements WP1 Conceptualized new, theoretical transition governance framework Identified barriers & drivers to landscape policy interventions WP2 Tested / verified new method in landscape research: Repertory grid technique Identified cross-cultural quality indicators for urban green spaces WP3 Developed new integrated approach for tracing landscape conflicts tbc
Next steps Tasks Documenting WP3 empirical data and reporting. Further runs of QlandQlife decision support model in WP3 Conducting the Joint Facting-finding approach in WP4 and documentation. Finalizing scientific articles: Article 1: Stakeholder perspectives on the greening of urban landscapes: a repertory grid analysis in 5 European urban regions. Article 2: Greening urban landscapes: knowledge flows and local policy agendas. Article 3: A process evaluation of a dialogue on the greening of urban landscapes.
Dissemination / Outreach
Contact Dr. Timo v. Wirth Dutch Research Institute for Transitions Erasmus University Rotterdam E-Mail: