Science Fiction Flowers for Algernon
Drill 1 11/7 Homework: Final paper due 11/12 Objective: Students will with some guidance and support from peers and adults, develop and strengthen writing as needed by planning, revising, editing, rewriting, or trying a new approach, focusing on how well purpose and audience have been addressed. Category A Drill: Evaluate your goal for quarter 1. Did you accomplish your goal? Develop an new goal for quarter 2. Use the pink goal sheet from quarter 1. When finished take out your Scarlet Ibis draft and proof read for conventions. Pay special attention to verb tense.
Drill 2 11/8 Homework: Final paper due 11/12. Objective: Students will engage effectively in a range of collaborative discussions with diverse partners on grade 8 topics, texts, and issues, building on others ideas and expressing their own clearly. Category B Drill: With your team develop a definition of science fiction and of fantasy. Only one person needs to write this down. Leaders be prepared to share.
Drill 3 11/9 Homework: Final paper due 11/12 Objective: Students will cite the textual evidence that most strongly supports an analysis of what the text says explicitly as well as inferences drawn from the text. Drill: Review the definitions of fantasy and science fiction from yesterday.
Drill 4 11/12 Homework: What is intelligence BCR due 11/13 Objective: Students will analyze in detail the structure of a specific paragraph in a text, including the role of particular sentences in developing and refining a key concept in order to determine main idea. Drill: Take out your final draft. Make sure the two compound sentences are underlined. Complete the first question on the reflection sheet. Staple it all together with the rubric on top.
Drill 5 11/13 Take out the What is intelligence? BCR. Homework: Parent signature and book for project due 11/16. Media center visit on Thursday 11/15. Study vocabulary Objective: Students will pose questions that connect the ideas of several speakers and respond to others questions and comments with relevant evidence, observations, and ideas in order to understand the project. Drill: Highlight all verbs in your BCR. Revise all verbs for present tense. Underline your answer.
Drill 5 11/14 Homework: Parent Signature and book 11/16 Objective: Students will cite the textual evidence that most strongly supports an analysis of what the text says explicitly as well as inferences drawn from the text. Drill: Read the passage about Howard Gardner. With your table decide what the main idea of the article is and identify three supporting details.
Drill 6 11/15 Homework: Parent Signature and novel 11/16. Main idea Quiz 11/19-20 Objective: Students will cite the textual evidence that most strongly supports an analysis of what the text says explicitly as well as inferences drawn from the text. Drill: Prepare to go to the media center. After you check out a project book (science fiction or fantasy) or tell me what book you actually have you will be allowed to preview the book fair.
Drill 7 11/16 Homework: Read project book Main Idea Quiz 11/19 or 20 Objective: Students will analyze how particular lines of dialogue or incidents in a story or drama propel the action, reveal aspects of a character, or provoke a decision. Category A Drill: Describe Charlie. Use characterization techniques. What does he say? Think? Do? What do others say and think about him? (Three to four sentences.)
Drill 11/26 Homework: Note cards for reading project due Tuesday 11/27 Objective: Students will reflect on their writing in order to. produce clear and coherent writing in which the development, organization, and style are appropriate to task, purpose, and audience. Drill: Who is the main character of your project book and what is the conflict he or she faces?
Drill 11/27 Take out your note cards. Make sure your name is on the back of all three cards. Homework: Outline due 12/3. Read Objective: Students will cite the textual evidence that most strongly supports an analysis of what the text says explicitly as well as inferences drawn from the text. Drill With your table create a list of steps needed when making an inference.
Drill 11/28 Homework: Outline due 12/3 Inference/ Quiz 12/3 Objective: Students will cite the textual evidence that most strongly supports an analysis of what the text says explicitly as well as inferences drawn from the text. Category A Drill: Read the progress report for April 28, on page 233.
Drill 11/29 Homework: Outline due 12/3 Inference/ Quiz 12/3 Objective: Students will cite the textual evidence that most strongly supports an analysis of what the text says explicitly as well as inferences drawn from the text. Category A Drill: Complete the identifying inferences handout. This will be collected.
Drill 11/30 Homework: Outline due 12/3 Inference/ Quiz 12/3 Objective: Students will cite the textual evidence that most strongly supports an analysis of what the text says explicitly as well as inferences drawn from the text. Drill: Take out your book, note cards, and thumb drive.
Drill 12/3 Take out the outline. Homework: Paper draft due 12/10 Vocabulary Quiz on 12/7 Study a few minutes every night. Objective: Students will demonstrate the ability to make inferences based on prior knowledge and the text. Drill: Review for the inference quiz. We are going to the media center for book check out/renewal.
Drill 12/4 Homework: Paper draft due 12/10 Vocabulary Quiz on 12/7 Study a few minutes every night. Objective: Students will determine a theme of a text and analyze its relationship to the characters, setting, and plot in order to provide an objective summary of the text. Drill: Reread Progress Report 11 pages Focus on the dinner incident.
Drill 12/4 Period 6 Homework: Paper draft due 12/10 Vocabulary Quiz on 12/7 Study a few minutes every night. Objective: Students will determine a theme of a text and analyze its relationship to the characters, setting, and plot in order to provide an objective summary of the text. Drill: Take out your questions and make sure all answers are complete through number. If finished with that pick up reading where you left off.
Drill 12/5 Homework: Paper draft due 12/10 Vocabulary Quiz on 12/7 Study a few minutes every night. Objective: Students will determine a theme of a text and analyze its relationship to the characters, setting, and plot in order to provide an objective summary of the text. Drill: Take out your questions and make sure all answers are complete through number. If finished with that pick up reading where you left off.
Drill 12/6 Homework: Paper draft due 12/10 Vocabulary Quiz on 12/7 Study a few minutes every night. Objective: Students will determine a theme of a text and analyze its relationship to the characters, setting, and plot in order to provide an objective summary of the text. Drill: Pick two vocabulary words and use them in a sentence. Make the four column study guide when finished.
Drill 12/7 Homework: Paper draft due 12/10 Vocabulary Quiz on 12/7 Study a few minutes every night. Objective: Students will determine a theme of a text and analyze its relationship to the characters, setting, and plot in order to provide an objective summary of the text. Drill: Review for the vocabulary quiz. Make the four column study guide or quiz each other.
Drill 12/10 Homework: Papers and Presentations due 12/18 Flowers for Algernon Final 12/13 Objective: Students will cite evidence from the text that most strongly supports an analysis of inferences drawn from the text in order to determine tone. Drill: What is the emotion the speaker is communicating? Fine, Ill take out the trash.
Drill 12/11 Homework: Papers and Presentations due 12/18 flowers for Algernon Final 12/13 Objective: Students will analyze word choice in order to write narratives about an imagined experience using effective techniques to establish tone. Drill: As a group decide on how a speaker would say the word on your card.
Okay? Okay! Okay.
Drill 12/12 Homework: Papers and Presentations due 12/18 Flowers for Algernon final test 12/13 Objective: Students will acquire and use accurately grade-appropriate general words in order to further analyze the literature. Drill: Write the following words down in your planner. – Allusion – Foreshadowing – Tone – Theme – Irony
Invention Pre-Write You will have 5 minutes to respond to the following statement. You may start by creating a list of possible advances either medical or technical. Please conclude by writing sentences to describe what life might be like in In 2075, humans will… Think about how technology has changed society. Think about medical advances. What are the implications of possible new inventions?
Drill 12/13 Homework: : Papers and Presentations due 12/18 Objective: Objective: Students will acquire and use accurately grade-appropriate general words in order to further analyze the literature. Drill: Review the following terms for the quiz. – Foreshadowing – Tone – Theme – Irony
Drill 12/14 Homework: Papers and presentations due 12/18 Objective: Students will write narratives to develop real or imagined experiences using relevant descriptive details in order to engage the reader by establishing a context and point of view. Drill: Create a Venn diagram for Charlie and Doodle. What do they have in common? What are their differences?
Drill 12/10 Take out your essay drafts. Homework: Papers and Presentations due 12/18 Flowers for Algernon Final 12/13 Objective: Students will cite evidence from the text that most strongly supports an analysis of inferences drawn from the text in order to determine tone. Drill: What is the emotion the speaker is communicating? Fine, Ill take out the trash.
Drill 12/11 Homework: Papers and Presentations due 12/18 flowers for Algernon Final 12/13 Objective: Students will analyze word choice in order to write narratives about an imagined experience using effective techniques to establish tone. Drill: As a group decide on how a speaker would say the word on your card.
Okay? Okay! Okay.
Drill 12/12 Homework: Papers and Presentations due 12/18 Flowers for Algernon final test 12/13 Objective: Students will acquire and use accurately grade-appropriate general words in order to further analyze the literature. Drill: Write the following words down in your planner. – Allusion – Foreshadowing – Tone – Theme – Irony
Invention Pre-Write You will have 5 minutes to respond to the following statement. You may start by creating a list of possible advances either medical or technical. Please conclude by writing sentences to describe what life might be like in In 2075, humans will… Think about how technology has changed society. Think about medical advances. What are the implications of possible new inventions?
Drill 12/13 Homework: : Papers and Presentations due 12/18 Objective: Objective: Students will acquire and use accurately grade-appropriate general words in order to further analyze the literature. Drill: Review the following terms for the quiz. – Foreshadowing – Tone – Theme – Irony
Drill 12/14 Homework: Papers and presentations due 12/18 Objective: Students will write narratives to develop real or imagined experiences using relevant descriptive details in order to engage the reader by establishing a context and point of view. Drill: Create a Venn diagram for Charlie and Doodle. What do they have in common? What are their differences?