Lung Cancer Clinical Advisory Group Research Report 21/05/2019 David Rea
NIHR CRN High Level Objectives 2018-19 Increase number of participants into NIHR CRN portfolio studies -West of England Target, 28,883 -West of England Recruitment , 37, 380 Increase the number of studies that deliver to time and target Target 80% Commercial 61% Non Commercial 73% Increase number of commercial studies delivered through network Reduce NHS study set up times Reduce time taken to recruit first participant
Cancer specialty objective for 2018-19 Increase patient access to Cancer research studies across the breadth of the Cancer subspecialties Number of LCRNs achieving on-target recruitment into at least 8 of the 13 Cancer subspecialties, where "on-target" means either improving recruitment by 10% from 2017/18 or meeting the following recruitment targets per 100,000 population served: a) Brain: 0.2; b) Breast: 10; c) Colorectal: 3; d); Children and Young People: 3; e) Gynae: 3; f) Head & Neck: 1.5; g) Haematology: 7; h) Lung: 4; i) Sarcoma: 0.1; j) Skin: 0.5; k) Supportive & Palliative Care and Psychosocial Oncology: 4; l) Upper GI: 3; m) Urology: 12.
Update on new HLOs and Speciality Objectives New High Level Objectives agreed by DHSC: 1&2 remain the same and linked to funding model 4&5 replaced with the national median for study site set up, for both commercial and non commercial studies. Harmonised Speciality objectives introduced: 30 individual speciality objectives replaced by 5 harmonised objectives Increasing early career researchers involvement in NIHR portfolio research. Specific areas within cancer, currently under represented. Cancer Surgery Radiotherapy Rare Cancers Teenage and Young Adults
Performance regarding 2018-19 Cancer specialty target
Cancer incidence
Cancer incidence: Lung
Cancer recruitment to time and target
Recruitment and number of lung cancer studies 2018-19
Useful links National and local network information including training programmes templates, tools, contacts, videos etc. Open data platform. Look at performance across whole CRN including all specialty areas View current national portfolio of open, closed and ‘in set up’ cancer studies See which studies are open across the country (will soon be Be Part of Research) Search for a study to fit criteria. Good for horizon scanning, eligibility criteria
Contacts Research Delivery Manager – Research portfolio facilitator – Lung cancer research lead –