Warm-up Think: What are the people who follow Islam called? Pair: What languages do Muslims speak? Share: Where do you find the most Muslims?
Muslim Population Distribution Map Standard 7.2.4: Discuss the distribution and spread of Muslims. Task: To create a distribution map showing the percentage of Muslims in the ten largest nations on Earth.
Muslims in the World Today
Countries with the Largest Muslim Population 1. Indonesia 183,000,000 6. Iran 62,000,000 2. Pakistan 134,000,000 7. Egypt 59,000,000 3. India 121,000,000 8. Nigeria 53,000,000 4. Bangladesh 114,000,000 9. Algeria 31,000,000 5. Turkey 66,000,000 10. Morocco 29,000,000 * Arabs make up only 20% of the total Muslim population of the world.
Tasks Copy names of countries from the chart on p. 97. List the names in size order from largest to smallest . Use Atlas to write the name of each country in its correct location on the world map provided. Divide the list into four categories by percentage. Example: 0- 25% , 26- 50%, 51- 75%, 76 -100%
Tasks Continued Make a key or legend with a title and 4 boxes labeled as above. Color each box a different color. Color each country with the correct color for its percentage of Muslims. 7. Add a title to the map.
Follow-up Questions Answer the following questions (see p. 97) On which continent are the nations with the greatest percentage of Muslims found? What reasons might be given for the large Muslim population found there? What reasons might be given for the low percentage of Muslims in the Western Hemisphere?
Population Map Rubric List #1-10- size order of population- 10 points Map correctly labeled with the 10 places -10 points Color key + legend – 5 points Title- 5 points Questions on p. 97 answered – 6 points (2 points each) Map colored correctly according to key- 4 points