Read-Around REVIEW: -ful full of, characterized by
What is the word that describes a person who is full of good spirits?
cheerful full of good spirits
What is the word that describes a feeling of uncertainty or suspicion?
doubtful uncertain; full of suspicion
What is the word that describes a person who had a goal that was achieved?
successful characterized by a favorable outcome
What is the word that describes a something that is full of danger?
harmful full of danger; unsafe
What is the word that means full of or characterized by?
the suffix -ful
What is the word that describes a large amount of something?
bountiful characterized by having a great deal of something; abundant; plentiful
What is the word that describes a person who is full of happiness?
blissful full of happiness; joyful
What is the word that characterizes a person who often has a hard time remembering things?
forgetful full of neglect; characterized by being unable to remember
What is the word that describes something that is full of purpose?
meaningful full of purpose; worthy