Be sure to fill out your reference sheet Math Vocabulary Be sure to fill out your reference sheet
Add Subtract Multiply Divide Equals
Add Subtract Multiply Divide Equals sum plus together added to total of combined both More With
Add Subtract Multiply Divide Equals sum plus together added to total of combined both More With difference minus take away fewer than less than decreased by are not change without
Add Subtract Multiply Divide Equals sum plus together added to total of combined both More With difference minus take away fewer than less than decreased by are not change without product of multiplied by times of double triple
Add Subtract Multiply Divide Equals sum plus together added to total of combined both More With difference minus take away fewer than less than decreased by are not change without product of multiplied by times of double triple quotient of divided by per into out of ratio of unit price cut up separated share equally split half parts
Add Subtract Multiply Divide Equals sum plus together added to total of combined both More With difference minus take away fewer than less than decreased by are not change without product of multiplied by times of double triple quotient of divided by per into out of ratio of unit price cut up separated share equally split half parts is are was were will be gives yields sold for
Write these story problems as math problems What is 15 plus 5?
Write these story problems as math problems What is the difference between 5 and 2?
Write these story problems as math problems What is the product of 7 and 8?
Write these story problems as math problems What is half of 124?
Write these story problems as math problems What is six tripled?
Write these story problems as math problems What is 19 more than 34?