Fall Semester Review English
6 Traits of Writing Ideas- topic and details Organization- order and structure of writing Word Choice- words used with meaning Voice- personality of writing coming through Sentence Fluency- flow and structure of sentences Conventions- grammatical correctness of writing Scored 1-5, 5 is the highest score, 1 is the lowest.
Outline Outlines are used to plan for writing, improve organization. Introduction a. Thesis Body Supporting idea, Details Supporting idea, details Conclusion
Transitions Transitions are words that show time order and direction. They help paragraphs move from one idea or step to the next. They improve organization.
Foreshadowing Foreshadowing: A writing technique that gives readers clues about what will happen later in the story. “As he pondered the morning, he reassured himself that he locked the door. Something kept telling him otherwise, but he pushed it out of his mind.” What might this be foreshadowing?
Flashback Flashback: details from an earlier point in time are revealed to the reader
Characters Antagonist Protagonist Story Elements Theme Prologue
Point of View 1st person point of view- using pronouns I and me to show the narrator’s own perspective as a character in the story.
Point of View In addition to 1st person point of view (which Tangerine is told in) there are: 3rd person limited point of view- unseen narrator knows thoughts and feelings of some but not all characters. 3rd person omniscient point of view- unseen narrator knows all thoughts and feelings of all characters.
Parts of Speech Noun- person, place, thing, idea, quality Pronoun- replaces noun- he, she, it, they, etc. Verb- action/state of being of noun Adjective- describes the noun Adverb- describes the verb Conjunction- remember FANBOYS
Common/ Proper Nouns A common noun is a general name for a person, place, thing or idea. Example- theater A proper noun is a name of a specific person, place, thing or idea. Example- Palace Theater Only proper nouns need to be capitalized, so a big clue is if the noun is capitalized.
Tangerine Elements to study… Plot Characterization Flashbacks Prologue Theme