Who, What, How and Why of Building Perry Gross Parsons Brinckerhoff So tonight, we’re going to show you some slides, and talk about Career Opportunities in Architecture, Construction and Engineering, and at the same time start to teach you a bit about all these bridges, buildings and roadways you see everyday, and where they come from and how to amaze your friends and families with your knowledge.
Our “Built” Environment Those macaroni columns and beams, and those gum drop connections are just like the heavy steel and concrete structures that make up the “frames” of the buildings you see everyday. And the Architects and Constructors and Engineers that design and build them were just like you one day – Juniors in High School, beginning to think about their careers, and what they’d do for their life’s work.
Projects – Who “Builds” What Public Sector (Governments) Government office buildings Transportation (Roads, Bridges, Tunnels, Transit, Airports) Civil projects (water treatment, sewage) Education buildings (Schools, Colleges, State Universities) Most hospitals Private Sector (Companies, Developers, and Individuals) Most housing – houses, apartments, condos Shopping centers, malls Multi-tenant office buildings Manufacturing buildings Some Colleges, Universities Some Hospitals Now, let’s introduce some new terms – One is The Public Sector, and the other is the Private Sector. We can almost certainly divide the world up into the Public and Private Sectors, and for our purposes here, talking about our “Built Environment”, it means learning who builds what, where the money comes from, the cost and approvals to build projects. The Public Sector, which is our City, County, State and Federal Governments, builds . . . . . . . . .go through the list; and Private Sector, meaning privately owned companies, and even individuals, builds these buildings. We’ll talk more about the Public and Private Sectors in a minute
How / Why Do Projects Get Built? Public Sector Private Sector Obligation to public Sees an opportunity Need Is it planned? In budget? Will it produce revenue? Approval Tax revenues from public Borrow $$ from bank Funding In-house staff or Consult- ants design, produce plans Same - Use in-house or hire consultants Design Takes bids from all contract- ors. Selects lowest bidder. Pre-qualify contractors- negotiate $$ Construction Services to the public- schools, utilities, roads, public buildings Owner/Developer rents to tenants, sells after X years Use
Construction Contractor Project Organiztion Project Owner Project Developer Construction Manager Lead Design Firm Construction Contractor Architect Subcontractors Civil/Foundations Structural Steel Concrete Electrical/Lighting Mechanical Environmental Finishes/Metals Consultants Civil Engineers Structural Mechanical Electrical Environmental Exteriors Specialties Exterior Skin Roofing Elevators Communications Landscaping Painting Furnishings +++
The Public Budget Property Taxes Various Fees Income Taxes Sales Taxes
The Public Budget Taxes, Fees In Public Works Health and Welfare Schools Administration Public Safety
Private Funding for Projects Developer / Owner Borrows Funds From: Private Lending Firm, e.g. Mortgage Company; Development Bank; Investor Group; Pension Fund, etc. Hires and Pays: Repays Loan with Revenue from Building’s Use Land Owners, Architects, Engineers, Contractors, Suppliers, Others