CMS-Bijing weekly meeting Work Progress Report J.Tao IHEP-Beijing CMS-Bijing weekly meeting Dec. 04, 2009 EM shower Formulae Validation in Endcap Longitudinal profile validation The whole formulae validation in Endcap 2. Unconverted Gamma/Pi0 discrimination in Endcap, using the shower shape variables and second moments variables 3. Real data analysis: some plots for the first look at
Longitudinal profile validation in Endcap with preshpower Longitudinal profile from CMS Geant4 Simulation in SW_3_1_2 9 energy points in Endcap with preshower: E=10, 20, 30, 50, 80, 120, 150, 200, 250 GeV Eta=2.2 , Phi=-3.14159265359 ~ 3.141592359 1000 events at each energy point Due to the effect of Preshower detector, the longitudinal formule changed 50GeV sample MeV
Formule fitting with the Longitudinal profile Energy (MeV) 2D of all events 50GeV sample Layer 150GeV sample
Parameters Longitudinal Formule Critical eneygy Ec=8.74 MeV t0: in unit of layer.
EM shower Formulae validation for the EE case 26 layers along the particle direction; New logitudinal paramters for the EE+ES region; Same logitudinal paramters as Barrel case for other EE region, started from the front face of EE. 4 parameters were used in Minuit minimization procedure: A、 ΔE/Edep5x5 where ΔE=E0-Edep5x5、、 5x5 crystal array was used for the validation 3x3 matrix lateral formule η φ 1 2 5 6 10 25 4 3 11 16 21 9 7 8 12 22 19 18 17 14 15 13 20 24 23 Crystal (or cell) number Single Gamma Samples with E=50GeV, Eta=2.0, Phi=1.5 2000 gamma evetns, 1135 unconverted gamma evetns, 1082 FitOk events: FitStatus==3 && parameters not at it’s limit
Fit parameters A Initial value limits ΔE/Edep5x5 where ΔE=E0-Edep5x5
EM shower fitting with fixed Delta Phi parameter Fix DeltaPhi Single Gamma Samples with E=50GeV, Eta=2.0, Phi=1.5 2000 gamma evetns, 1135 unconverted gamma evetns, 1029 FitOk events: FitStatus==3 && parameters not at it’s limit 3x3 matrix A limits ΔE/Edep5x5 where ΔE=E0-Edep5x5
Try to do Add a new paramter in the Lateral formule Or any advice from others?
Unconverted Gamma/Pi0 discrimination in Endcap, using the shower shape variables and second moments variables --- MLP : Ranking result (top variable is best ranked) --- MLP : ---------------------------------------------------- --- MLP : Rank : Variable : Importance --- MLP : 1 : ShowerShape_S4oS25 : 2.059e+01 --- MLP : 2 : ShowerShape_TaoMmaj2 : 1.876e+01 --- MLP : 3 : ShowerShape_NormSigmaEtaEta : 1.123e+01 --- MLP : 4 : ShowerShape_NormSigmaEtaPhi : 9.008e+00 --- MLP : 5 : ShowerShape_S6oS9 : 6.132e+00 --- MLP : 6 : ShowerShape_PZM : 4.653e+00 --- MLP : 7 : ShowerShape_Zernike42 : 3.692e+00 --- MLP : 8 : ShowerShape_DS10BToS25 : 2.928e+00 --- MLP : 9 : ShowerShape_DS10RLoS25 : 2.875e+00 --- MLP : 10 : ShowerShape_S9mS1oS25mS1 : 2.237e+00 --- MLP : 11 : ShowerShape_R19 : 4.534e-01 --- MLP : 12 : ShowerShape_S9mE1E2oS9 : 3.377e-01 --- MLP : 13 : ShowerShape_E1E2oS4 : 3.076e-01 --- MLP : 14 : ShowerShape_E1E2oS9 : 1.966e-01 --- MLP : 15 : ShowerShape_E3x2ratio : 1.689e-01 --- MLP : 16 : ShowerShape_Lam2oLam1 : 6.051e-02 --- MLP : 17 : ShowerShape_NormSigmaPhiPhi : 1.015e-02 --- MLP : 18 : ShowerShape_LAT : 7.564e-03 10 input variables ~20% 57329 signal events and 52888 bkg events
Variables distributions
Real data analysis: some plots for the first look at Data sample: /MinimumBias/BeamCommissioning09-rereco_FIRSTCOLL_v1/RECO Analysze 335292 events out of 607960 events with CMSSW_3_3_4. RecHits in Ecal Barrel IPhi RunID: 122294 IEta 1 superModule and 4 Modules have no response IEta: -85~-1, 1-85 IPhi: 1-360
RecHits in Ecal Endcap 1 supercrystal in z+ and 2 supercrystals in z- no response. IX: 1~100, IY: 1-100 Energy of Hits Endcap Barrel Mean:0.083 Sigma:0.026
Energy of RecHits in HCAL 60796 events
EM objects 5 photons in 60796 events No electron in 60796 events
Track & Muon 60796 events 335292 events
Other objects 335292 events 60796 events CaloJets, No correction CaloTower