Models of relationship media-politics Gianpietro Mazzoleni La comunicazione politica Chapter 4
Mediatization vs. interaction Mediatization is an unintended consequence when the media pursue commercial goals Interaction is an intentional consequence when the media pursue political goals
Classifying interactions media-politics 1 Media control-autonomy State control on the media: appointments, financial aids, contents Media partisanship: ownership, patronage, stable endorsement, shifting endorsement, neutrality Integration between political and medial elites Journalists’ professional ethos
Classifying interactions media-politics 2 Journalism as a profession Pragmatism: attention to the public and the economic goals Priesthood: attention to politicians and their electoral exigencies
The Hallin and Mancini’s three models Media system characteristics
The Hallin and Mancini’s three models Political system characteristics
Alternative media-politics relationships Adversarial model: watchdog, advocacy Collateralism model: media are dominated by politicians Exchange model: media and politicians need each other Competition model: media have their own political goals Market model: entails sensationalism, infotainment, soft news
Internet and new media-politics relationships Participatory journalism: traditional media accept contributions from the Web Citizen journalism: self-produced by citizens