Write an equation for this diagram How might you find x ? 3 5 Write an equation for this diagram
What is the new equation? 5 3 5 3 5 3 What is the new equation? 3 3 3 5 5 5
3 3 3 5 5 5 9 15
We drew the diagram 3 times We multiplied the whole equation by 3 What did we do? 5 3 We drew the diagram 3 times We multiplied the whole equation by 3
When writing it down it looks like this: How many times did we draw the diagram? How does this step relate to the diagrams? And this step?
Here are the rules for equations remaining true. Which rule is being used? Properties of equations If the same numbers or expressions are added to each side of the equation, it remains true. If the same numbers or expressions are subtracted from each side of the equation, it remains true. If both sides of an equation are multiplied by the same number, it remains true. If both sides of an equation are divided by the same number, it remains true. If the sides of an equation are switched, it remains true.
How many times would you draw this diagram to be able to find x? Write an equation for this diagram 2 How many times would you draw this diagram to be able to find x? In your pairs draw it out. How does this help to find x?
When writing it down it looks like this: How many times did we draw the diagram? How does this step relate to the diagrams?
How many times should we draw the diagram? Why? What about this one? 4 How many times should we draw the diagram? Why?
When writing it down it looks like this: How many times did we draw the diagram? How does this step relate to the diagrams? 5x = 38 What makes this more difficult to solve?
When writing it down it looks like this: 5x = 38
Which of these represent equations that have an integer solution? 6 10 2 5 10 3 Explain your answers and find the values of x by using the diagrams
Write an equation for each diagram? Can you find x? 4 6 1 2 Write an equation for each diagram?
Write an equation for this diagram? How is this different? Write an equation for this diagram? 4 8 Can you find x?
Use your whiteboards to draw the diagrams before writing your working out in your books.
In your books: Write an example of what we have learnt today. You should include: A diagram How you used the diagram to solve the problem An equation that represents the diagram. If you have finished: Can you write an example that you found particularly challenging, or create one of your own to solve.