By Saoirse, Sienna, Sophie THE BEATLES By Saoirse, Sienna, Sophie
Introduction Hello and welcome to our project about the Beatles. We worked very hard on each topic and we hope you enjoy. The Beatles were an English music band made up of John Lennon, Paul McCartney, George Harrison and Ringo Starr also know as The Fab Four. We are going to share our thoughts on our favorite songs and some interesting facts about The Beatles and each of The Fab Four. The Beatles are arguably the best band of all time. Their music was only the start of their iconic past.
Fun Facts Some of the foods mentioned in The Beatles songs include: Cornflakes, Honey, Truffles, Octopus, Turkey, Marshmallows, Strawberries, Eggs, Peppers and Pies. David Bowie’s mega hit “FAME” was written by Paul McCartney and John Lennon. The Beatles officially broke up in Disney World. The Beatles concert were said to smell heavily of urine due to over excited girls. In 1967, The Beatles almost bought an island of the coast of Athens. The Russians had to listen to The Beatles music on converted X-Ray scans. Michael Jackson bought the rights to the Beatles Music in (year)
Beatles Timeline The Beatles took the world by storm, but did it in a way that went from local band to London, the USA, and then the World. 1956, John starts band The Quarrymen 1958, Paul and George join the Quarrymen 1960, Band becomes The Beatles 1962 Ringo joins The Beatles, replacing Pete Best 1964, Their first song was Ain’t She Sweet 1963, first Top 40 hit was She Loves You Their first number 1 hit was Please Please Me which was released on the 22nd of March 1963 The Beatles travel to USA and perform on The Ed Sullivan Show The Beatles go on to have 20 No.1 Singles in the USA The Beatles promoted themselves with feature length films like Hard Days Night, Yellow Submarine, and Help!. These showed the bands creative side and helped to increase their popularity. The Beatles break up in 1970
John Lennon 1940|He was born on the 9th of October 1945|His parents separated 1957|Meets Paul McCartney 1966|He meets Yoko Ono 1969|John and Yoko get married 1970|Forms band with Yoko 1970|Releases Working Class Hero 1980|He dies
Paul McCartney 1942|He was born on the 18th June 1953|He accepted into a institute for boys 1956|His mother dies 1957|Meets John Lennon 1967|Meets Linda 1990|He appears on Guitar Player 1996|He became a knight 1998|Linda dies 2015|He released song with Rihanna and Kanye West
George Harrison 1943|He was born 25th of February 1948|Starts primary school 1959|Leaves school to get a job 1960|He was deported from Germany 1966|He got married 1977|He got divorced 1991|He was attacked with a knife 2001|He dies
Ringo Starr 1940|He was born on the 7th July, 1946, he was rushed to hospital with appendicitis. 1953| He was diagnosed with tuberculosis 1957| He was given a basic drum kit for Christmas 1962|Ringo joined The Beatles 1965| Ringo married Maureen Cox. 1968|Ringo, Maureen and the other Beatles went to India Ringo Starr is currently married to Barbara Bach He is the richest drummer of all time, worth nearly $350 million
Hello , Goodbye Style |Pop Tempo|99 beats per minute Time signature|4/4 Instruments| piano, drums, organ, bongos, conga, maracas, tambourine, guitars, vocals Released |24th of November 1967 Writer |Paul McCartney Interesting fact |When Paul first showed John the song he hated it but he grew to like it.
Let it be Style |alternative Time signature | 4/4 Instruments| vocals, piano, maracas, bass guitar, drums, guitar Tempo |72 beats per bar Released |6th of March 1970 Story| Paul was stressed so he took a nap and his mother Mary came to him saying just let it be I
Ob-La-Di, Ob-La-Da Style| Country, Rock,Pop Time Signature|4/4 Recorded | July 1968 Released| 22nd of November 1968 Paul made a mistake by singing “Desmond stays at home and does his pretty face” it was meant to be Molly, but Paul decided to keep it to create confusion. Instruments| electric bass, the acoustic bass ,vocals piano, the acoustic guitar, drums, bongos, maracas, percussion Some have said they consider the song ironic because it seems to be about the joys of typical married life in a time when the band was falling apart.
Wellington since The Beatles came in 1964 Their population has increased by 2 million Their prime minster has changed from Henry Sewell to Jacinda Arden Their technology has improved a lot Te Papa museum opens and is the most popular museum in New Zealand They beat England in cricket for the first time ever
Sydney since The Beatles Played in 1964 The population has increased by 13.43 million The prime minister was Robert Menzies but is now Scott Morrison The Aboriginal service was established The Sydney Oprah House opened in 1973 Sydney Festival begins Australia Square Hi-Rise was built
Diary Entry Penny Lane I had just arrived at Paul’s house his father invited me for dinner. We were trying to think of a song idea because we have no ideas for a song. Ringo and George couldn’t come because they were busy. Paul and I were practising some songs in the bathroom with the door open because it sounded much better in there. Then Paul said why don’t we think of something that matters to us. So that’s how we thought of penny lane don’t want to give much spoilers so that’s all - John
Questions Q| Who started the band, The Quarrymen ? A| John Lennon Q| When did John meet Yoko A| 1966 Q| Who releases a song with Paul A| Rihanna and Kanye West Q| What year was George deported from Germany A| 1960 Q| How much is Ringo worth A| $350 million
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