Pair and Group Work – Monitor Student Progress
Group Discussion What should the teacher do while students are busy working in their pairs and groups? Preview When students are working in pairs and groups, this frees the teacher from being the center of the class. What are some things the teacher can do with this time? Divide participants into groups of 3–4 (or use previous groups). Ask participants to read the prompt and share their ideas with the group. After three to four minutes, ask each group to nominate a speaker. Call on the speaker from each group, or at least from a few groups to share their group’s ideas.
Video When working with young learners, it’s important to monitor student practice. Let’s learn more about this. Feel free to note important ideas on your handout under “monitor student practice”. Play the video.
One reason it is important to monitor student practice is that: the teacher has to keep control in the classroom. young learners have short attention spans and may easily get off task. the teacher will be bored just waiting. Monitoring student practice allows teachers to: ignore students who are fooling around. get exercise by walking around the room. informally assess young learners and give them feedback. Review Let’s review some of the main ideas from the video. Ask all participants to read the prompts and answer each question on their own or with a partner. After two to three minutes, call on one or two participants to read the question and provide the BEST answer. Answer: Question 1: young learners have short attention spans and may easily get off task. Question 2: informally assess young learners and give them feedback. Remind participants to take any additional notes on their Handout 11.1.