Two REMS-like iterations demonstrating common patterns of rapid brightness changes of skin patterning. Two REMS-like iterations demonstrating common patterns.


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Presentation transcript:

Two REMS-like iterations demonstrating common patterns of rapid brightness changes of skin patterning. Two REMS-like iterations demonstrating common patterns of rapid brightness changes of skin patterning. (A,B) Top panels show the full-length sequence for the head (green) and the mantle (blue) and bottom panels show an expanded time series of the rapid onset of the REMS-like state (left panels) and later in the REMS-like state (right panels) as indicated by the x-axis time scale. Insets in the top panels show the cross-correlation function between head and mantle time series. See Results for a detailed explanation. Teresa L. Iglesias et al. J Exp Biol 2019;222:jeb174862 © 2019. Published by The Company of Biologists Ltd