Baseline predictors of acute complication of diabetes among immigrants with language barriers (N = 87,707). *Adjustment for all variables listed, as well.


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Presentation transcript:

Baseline predictors of acute complication of diabetes among immigrants with language barriers (N = 87,707). *Adjustment for all variables listed, as well as language barrier, SES, country of origin, number of primary care visits in the previous year, and resource utilization band. Baseline predictors of acute complication of diabetes among immigrants with language barriers (N = 87,707). *Adjustment for all variables listed, as well as language barrier, SES, country of origin, number of primary care visits in the previous year, and resource utilization band. CRF, chronic renal failure; CVD, cardiovascular disease; HTN, hypertension. Karen Okrainec et al. Dia Care 2015;38:189-196 ©2015 by American Diabetes Association