Research Administration – Tips for Working Successfully with your Office for Sponsored Research (OSR) Jen Thennes, Senior Grant and Contract Officer, OSR OSR Brown Bag 12/17/13
OSR Chicago Cieara Harvey Grants Assistant Taylor Carl Grants Assistant Noah Schaeffer Grants Assistant Nadine Killick Grants Assistant Art Miranda Coordinator Administration & Grants David E. Lynch Executive Director - Chicago Karen Richardson Grants Assistant/Office Manager James E. Jamie Young Associate Director - Chicago Sean Perry Sr. Contract Officer Pamela Euring Sr. Contract Officer Manny Robert Sr. Contract Officer Chrissy Barua Sr. Contract Officer David Adduci Coordinator Administration & Grants Pamela Hawkins Grant & Contract Officer Sally Gale Grant & Contract Officer Jackie Flowers Grant & Contract Officer Patricia Pfister Grant & Contract Officer Amy Carver Assistant Grant & Contract Officer Michael Ferguson Senior Grant & Contract Officer Jen Thennes Senior Grant & Contract Officer Anne Grace Sr. Contract & Grant Officer MTA & DUA Specialist
General Tips from OSR Read the PA/PAR/RFA/instructions/guidelines -Data sharing plans are often required for NIH applications The Principal Investigator is your pal For multiple-PI NIH submissions, each PI is a PD/PI, not a Co-PI PIs should never contact NIH or other sponsors directly with administrative questions
Tips from OSR (continued) -when ing OSR, please include the PD proposal number (SP00XXXXX) and project number (600XXXXX) in the subject line -before ing or calling OSR 1.Read the PA/PAR/RFA/guidelines 2.Read the SF424 grant guidelines (or equivalent) 3.Consult with your fellow RAs or supervisor -Useful data for forms -not very useful
Institutional info Institutional info: -Northwestern University, not NU FSM -institutional address can always be OSRs address: 750 N. Lake Shore Drive, 7 th Floor
Tips from OSR (continued) Institutional info (continued) Signing official: David E. Lynch, Executive Director Office for Sponsored Research Note: James E. Young, Associate Director, Office for Sponsored Research, can sign when Dave isnt available and most Grant & Contract Officers have delegate authority & can sign when Dave and Jamie arent available
Proposal Submission Standard internal deadlines: -5 work days prior to submission deadline: the budget and administrative materials (admin shell) are due at OSR -2 work days prior to the submission deadline: the complete proposal is due at OSR. If your proposal isnt complete until the day of the deadline, system problems may prevent timely submission.
Proposal Submission (continued) Admin Shell The admin shell consists of everything except the science. This includes: -budget & justification -Letters of Intent (LOI)/Consortium letters/subrecipient forms -consultant letters & other letters of support Also: -all PD approvals must have been obtained -the Proposal Routing Form (PRF) in PD must be complete (including effort for key personnel) -all Conflict of Interest (COI) disclosures must have been completed
Proposal Submission (continued) Reasons for submitting early: -system problems -unforeseen compliance issues -PIs are likely to be either in clinic or at Disney World the day of the deadline
Proposal Submission (continued) COI: if the sponsor requires COI disclosure and isnt listed on NUCOIs list or.pdf be sure to indicate in the PRF questions that COI is required
Continuation Proposal Submission Tips Follow the job aid on the Project Café website Complete the PRF (including charged and/or cost- shared effort PMCID numbers
How to Minimize Unexpected Problems Get to know your OSR point of contact START EARLY to minimize last minute rushes, internet issues, and other complications Stay in touch with OSR Reminder: all sponsored projects and communications with sponsors must go through OSR for administrative review Process
Presenter Contact Info Jen Thennes, OSR staff contact info: