Data Pipeline Town Hall October 4th, 2018 The goal of the webinar is to provide updates on the Data Pipeline and current and upcoming collections. These webinars also provide a forum for districts, BOCES, and Administrative Units to have questions answered about Data Pipeline. We will begin the webinar shortly Dial in number is 1-866-764-6750 Data Pipeline support email is
Webinar Etiquette Mute Your Phone (*# Mutes and Un-mutes Individual Phones); many phones have a mute button on them. If you receive a call and need to pick up, please disconnect from the webinar. Otherwise, all town hall participants hear your hold music! We will hold the Q&A session at the end of the presentation: Type it in the Chat Box for a response OR Raise Your Hand: A presenter will call your name After your name is called, un-mute your phone and speak your question/comment Please be respectful of others time; we may need to have a separate conversation later to best help you 2
Colorado Department of Education Identity Management Access Management Frequently Asked Questions 1-12 #12 Where can I find the Identity Management role mappings for Data Pipeline and other applications? agementGroups.xls 3
What is PII? Student Personally Identifiable Information (PII) is defined by state and federal laws as information that, alone or in combination, personally identifies an individual This includes direct identifiers (i.e. name, SASID, etc.) Includes information that when combined is identifiable Colorado’s Student Data Transparency and Security Act introduces a number of new requirements for how Student PII is collected, used and shared CDE has prepared guidance on how to comply with this and other privacy laws which can be found here:
How to Share Data Check local policies for restrictions, requirements, etc. Ensure that you are following local policies when transmitting PII to any third party Use secure methods to transfer any PII to CDE Call CDE (303-866-6395) with questions about how to transmit PII securely Use Syncplicity to encrypt emails to CDE Avoid sending PII via unencrypted email or to unsecured faxes when sharing data between or within districts Do not use PII in trainings, presentations, etc. Do not share PII with unauthorized individuals Do not share passwords
Today’s Agenda Open Collections in Data Pipeline Civil Rights Data Collection Non-public Schools Kindergarten School Readiness Special Education End of Year Student October Facilities Student End of Year
Open Collections in Data Pipeline
Open Data Pipeline Collections Year Round Directory RITS EDIS Periodic Non-public schools Interchanges Student Special Education IEP Staff 2018-19 9
Open Data Pipeline Collections 8/25/2019 Open Data Pipeline Collections Snapshots Student End of Year Snapshot (Cross LEA deadline Thursday 10/18) Special Education End of Year Snapshot (closes 10/4/2018) Student October Coming Soon Kindergarten School Readiness Human Resources Special Education December Count 10
2017-18 Civil Rights Data Collection (CRDC)
Superintendents were contacted by e-mail earlier this week 2017-18 CRDC Superintendents were contacted by e-mail earlier this week Access the Advanced Website (AWS) to: Confirm or update superintendent, primary and alternative contacts Validate your district’s list of schools Deadline is October 31, 2018 Log onto Use district name, 7-digit username and password provided If username listed is only 6 digits, add a leading zero To prepare for 2017-18 CRDC, go to the CRDC Resource Center For help contact the CRDC Partner Support Center Telephone: 855-255-6901 E-mail:
Non-Public Pupil Count/Directory
New Data Pipeline Collection Data Pipeline Non-Public Pupil Count/Directory Dennis St. Hilaire New Data Pipeline Collection What is the Data Pipeline Non-Public Pupil Count/Directory? Collects Pupil counts of non-public school students by grade Identifies non-public schools that are used for funding, nutrition, federal programs and special education. The codes in the non- public directory are used throughout CDE. For most districts this collection should not take much time to complete. Non-Public Pupil Count/Directory Documentation
Data Pipeline Non-Public Pupil Count/Directory Dennis St. Hilaire st Data Pipeline Non-Public Pupil Count/Directory Dennis St. Hilaire NOTE*** Data Pipeline currently is experiencing some issues with IdM and Pipeline with the Non-public Schools. The LEAAPPROVER role is not functioning and will not pull up the collection in Data Pipeline. We hope to get this resolved ASAP. The LEAUSER role seems to work on our end. Let us know if you are using this role and if it is working. Please type in the chatbox if you see the Non- public schools and if you are able to put in data. Identity Management PIPELINE-0000-NPS~LEAVIEWER PIPELINE-0000-NPS~LEAUSER PIPELINE-0000-NPS~LEAAPPROVER
Data Pipeline Non-Public Pupil Count/Directory Dennis St. Hilaire st Data Pipeline Non-Public Pupil Count/Directory Dennis St. Hilaire
Data Pipeline Non-Public Directory Dennis St. Hilaire Questions Dennis St. Hilaire Phone 303-866-6840
Kindergarten School Readiness Data Reporting 8/25/2019 Kindergarten School Readiness Data Reporting Upload Slide deck, data reporting fact sheet
Overview of Kindergarten School Readiness Data Reporting 8/25/2019 Overview of Kindergarten School Readiness Data Reporting Passed in 2008, Colorado Achievement Plan for Kids (CAP4K) requires districts to report school readiness data to the Colorado Department of Education. In March 2016, the State Board of Education voted to adopt a system for reporting school readiness data. The system calls for districts to submit only aggregate readiness information not by domain, but by number of domains in which students demonstrate readiness.
Data Reporting Elements As required by Colorado law (Section 22-7-1004 (1)(b) C.R.S.), school readiness includes both developmental and academic areas: physical well-being and motor development social and emotional development language and comprehension cognition math literacy Data reported to CDE will be from the initial fall assessment window for school readiness, which is the first 60 calendar days of the school year as required by HB 15-1323. READ (HB 15-1323) -If a district administers the READ Act assessment in the first 60 days of the school year, it is not required to administer the literacy component of the school readiness assessment. -Information gleaned from READ assessments administered within the first 60 days can be used to inform the literacy component of the school readiness kindergarten entry assessment. Data can be used from READ to enter data into the KEA survey’s literacy area. -All 6 required areas must be completed in the school readiness assessment for kindergarten entry within the first 60 days.
Data Reporting Elements Various assessment tools have been approved by the State Board and are available for use: GOLD® by Teaching Strategies HighScope Child Observation Record (COR) DRDP-K Recordings for specific tools (on website): GOLD® by Teaching Strategies: See last year’s webinar (9/5/17) DRDP-K (2015): Webinar on manual aggregation of data (8/29/18) Districts may also use the reduced-item set of objectives and dimensions to complete the KEA. NOTE: Some districts have obtained state board approved waivers from using these assessment tools; however, the waiver is from the assessment tool and not from the collection.
2018-2019 Changes/Reminders for the Collection Waivers: Waivers have to go before the State Board in order to be approved. Please also note that the waivers are not waivers from the collection, but only from the use of an approved assessment tool. The school readiness waiver does not fall under the general charter school waiver. 2018-2019 Changes Updated business rules The addition of an exception file for schools that do not have any kindergartners to report.
Timeline Recent Trainings Upcoming Dates Wednesday, 8/29-DRDP-K Webinar Wednesday, 9/26-Steps to Complete the Collection Webinar Recording should be posted to the website later this week Upcoming Dates Tuesday, 10/2, 1-2pm Join via Zoom or call in: 1-646-558-8656 Meeting ID: 153416011# Collection Open Date: Wednesday, 10/10/18 Collection Close Date: Thursday, 12/6/18
Further Information Additional information can be found at: The Data Pipeline website: schoolreadiness The School Readiness website: gartenschoolreadinessdatacollection Sections on FAQs, Additional Resources, listing of Trainings If you have any other questions or concerns, please email me. I would love to know what questions are on your mind.
Contact Tara Rhodes (KSR Data Collection Questions) 8/25/2019 Contact Tara Rhodes (KSR Data Collection Questions) Early Learning Business Analyst 303-866-6243 Anji Gallanos (General School Readiness Questions) P-3 Office Director 720-822-0640 25
Kindergarten School Readiness Data Reporting 8/25/2019 Kindergarten School Readiness Data Reporting Upload Slide deck, data reporting fact sheet
Overview of Kindergarten School Readiness Data Reporting 8/25/2019 Overview of Kindergarten School Readiness Data Reporting Passed in 2008, Colorado Achievement Plan for Kids (CAP4K) requires districts to report school readiness data to the Colorado Department of Education. In March 2016, the State Board of Education voted to adopt a system for reporting school readiness data. The system calls for districts to submit only aggregate readiness information not by domain, but by number of domains in which students demonstrate readiness.
Data Reporting Elements As required by Colorado law (Section 22-7-1004 (1)(b) C.R.S.), school readiness includes both developmental and academic areas: physical well-being and motor development social and emotional development language and comprehension cognition math literacy Data reported to CDE will be from the initial fall assessment window for school readiness, which is the first 60 calendar days of the school year as required by HB 15-1323. READ (HB 15-1323) -If a district administers the READ Act assessment in the first 60 days of the school year, it is not required to administer the literacy component of the school readiness assessment. -Information gleaned from READ assessments administered within the first 60 days can be used to inform the literacy component of the school readiness kindergarten entry assessment. Data can be used from READ to enter data into the KEA survey’s literacy area. -All 6 required areas must be completed in the school readiness assessment for kindergarten entry within the first 60 days.
Data Reporting Elements Various assessment tools have been approved by the State Board and are available for use: GOLD® by Teaching Strategies HighScope Child Observation Record (COR) DRDP-K Recordings for specific tools (on website): GOLD® by Teaching Strategies: See last year’s webinar (9/5/17) DRDP-K (2015): Webinar on manual aggregation of data (8/29/18) Districts may also use the reduced-item set of objectives and dimensions to complete the KEA. NOTE: Some districts have obtained state board approved waivers from using these assessment tools; however, the waiver is from the assessment tool and not from the collection.
2018-2019 Changes/Reminders for the Collection Waivers: Waivers have to go before the State Board in order to be approved. Please also note that the waivers are not waivers from the collection, but only from the use of an approved assessment tool. The school readiness waiver does not fall under the general charter school waiver. 2018-2019 Changes Updated business rules The addition of an exception file for schools that do not have any kindergartners to report.
Timeline Recent Trainings Upcoming Dates Wednesday, 8/29-DRDP-K Webinar Wednesday, 9/26-Steps to Complete the Collection Webinar Tuesday, 10/2-Steps to Complete the Collection Webinar Upcoming Dates Collection Open Date: Wednesday, 10/10/18 Collection Close Date: Thursday, 12/6/18
Further Information Additional information can be found at: The Data Pipeline website: schoolreadiness The School Readiness website: gartenschoolreadinessdatacollection Sections on FAQs, Additional Resources, listing of Trainings If you have any other questions or concerns, please email me. I would love to know what questions are on your mind.
Contact Tara Rhodes (KSR Data Collection Questions) 8/25/2019 Contact Tara Rhodes (KSR Data Collection Questions) Early Learning Business Analyst 303-866-6243 Anji Gallanos (General School Readiness Questions) P-3 Office Director 720-527-0490 33
Special Education End-of-Year
Data Approval & Signed Report Submission FINISH LINE – Woot Woot! Data Approval & Signed Report Submission 10/4/2018 See extended timeline for specifics Special Education EOY – Kristi Gleason – (303) 866-4620
Final Report Review and Collection Close Review the 10 signature reports with your director Upload all 10 signature reports (PDF) and Flag Explanation (WORD) to DMS Approve your final Special Education EOY Snapshot by clicking “Submit to CDE” Special Education EOY – Kristi Gleason – (303) 866-4620
Signature Reports Please cc Alyssa on any report related matters Special Education EOY – Kristi Gleason – (303) 866-4620
Why Reports Are Important Special Education End-of-Year is used for: Indicator 11 (path 3 records) Indicator 12 (path 2 records) Part C Evaluations (reimbursement $ calculated from these) Exits (path 2 and 3 records) (including Indicators 1 and 2) Verify records reported in correct Path
Report Resources Training: Sped EOY Report Webinar Report Resources: Checklist and Flag Explanation Doc Special Education EOY – Kristi Gleason – (303) 866-4620
Selecting the right format for your Report ALWAYS view the Signature reports (the numbered reports) in PDF Format. This will ensure: The best layout of the report for a printed page (no columns will be cut off). Informative headers and footers will appear on every page, including the time and date the report was generated. Pages will be automatically numbered. You will see ALL the pages including the Signature Page. Selecting the right format for your Report 40
Example of an EOY Report Flag The count has changed by at least 20 The % has changed by at least 20
Flow of Reports Submission Download the numbered reports from Pipeline and make sure all the reported numbers are accurate (date should be between September 26th and October 4th. Sign the reports and scan them into PDF. Download the “Year to Year Flag Explanation Document” found under Additional Resources on the Special Education EOY Webpage (opens in browser – leave document in WORD form) Explain the flagged count differences using the templates in the flag document (2nd page) Upload the following to the profile tab of the Data Management System which can be found on this Link to Data Pipeline Single Sign- on Page (opens in browser) Signed and scanned reports (in 1 pdf) Filled out year to year explanation template (Word document)
LAST STEP: Submit Snapshot to CDE by October 4th 8/25/2019 LAST STEP: Submit Snapshot to CDE by October 4th Within Data Pipeline 1. Click Special Education on the left menu 2. Click Status Dashboard 3. Use the drop downs to select the appropriate values File Type: End of Year Snapshot School Year: 2017-2018 Organization/LEA: defaults to your AU Notice the Data Locked value on this screen is set to N Notice the Overall Status is set to P (pending) indicating the data has not been submitted to CDE. 4. Click the Submit to CDE button (Only EOY-APPROVERS will have this ability) (must have 0 errors) 5. Click OK A green message should display above the File Type box indicating the data was submitted The Data Locked value should change to Y The Overall Status should change to S
Special Education EOY Contacts Special Education EOY contact information Kristi Gleason – 303-866-4620 (Primary contact) Lindsey Heitman – 303-866-5759 Orla Bolger – 303-866-6896 Alyssa Ohleyer – 303-866-6308 (Report Related Questions) *Please include your AU #, Error code # (if applicable), and phone number in emails Collection Resources Special Education IEP Interchange: Special Education EOY Snapshot: Special Education EOY – Kristi Gleason – (303) 866-4620
Student October
Student October Wednesday, August 29, 2018 Snapshot Opens: Districts may begin creating snapshots without error free interchange files Wednesday, September 26, 2018 – Wednesday, October 10, 2018 11 Day Count Window for schools or districts with 5-day week Four Day School Week Count Windows Monday-Thursday Schools: September 25, 2018 – October 11, 2018 Tuesday-Friday Schools: September 25, 2018 – October 11, 2018 Wednesday, October 3, 2018 – Count Day Official Count Day: used to create snapshot records in data pipeline Thursday, November 1, 2018 – Preschool Alternate Count Day Districts may choose to use this count day for preschool students without approval from CDE. Applies to all Preschool students
Student October September 15th: Deadline for requesting Alternate Count Day & FRL Variance Waiver from Auditing. September Thursday the 4th: Target for first upload of Student Interchange files Thursday the 11th: Target for error free in the Interchange files Thursday the 18th: Target for first Student October Snapshot Thursday the 25th: Target for error free Student October Snapshot October Tuesday the 6th 5 pm: Soft deadline: Student October snapshot submission date Friday the 9th 5 pm: Legislated snapshot submission deadline!!! Wednesday, November 28th 5 pm: Deadline to resubmit data to CDE! November December Thursday, December 6th 5 pm: Signature pages due to CDE
Student October Upcoming Office Hour: Wednesday, October 10, 2018-2:00 p.m. to 3:00 p.m.: Colorado Preschool Program and Early Childhood Education Reporting Phone: 855.397.4421
Student October *Please note that this time of year the volume of calls, emails, issues to fix, errors and exceptions to address etc. is extremely large so it may take up to 4-5 days to get a response. Please plan accordingly.
Student October Some Questions to Ask Yourself When Selecting a PAI or Non-Program School code Where is the student attending? Who is getting the funding (or who is paying who for the student’s education)? Who has the accountability for the student?
Student October PAI Code Clarification Districts would use the 03 code for expelled students only if the student(s) is at a non-school site. In other words, they are truly not at a physical school site. Otherwise, use the other schools’ code if at another school.
Student October There was a migrant file issue that has now been resolved. Late Tuesday afternoon a migrant file was uploaded into Pipeline with the correct SASIDs, qualifying arrival dates and expiration dates. A file uploaded in August contained SASIDS with expired dates. The new file is comprehensive and includes all students to date for the 18-19 School Year. An up-to-date Title I file was uploaded Wednesday afternoon. A current ASCENT file was also uploaded.
Student October EL Coding Students coded as parent refusal must have a valid language proficiency code: NEP, LEP, FEP They cannot be FELL or PHLOTE
Student October EL Coding Once students have completed a full school year coded as FEP Exited Year 2 they should move to FELL NEP / LEP FEP Monitor Year 1 FEP Monitor Year 2 FEP Exited Year 1 FEP Exited Year 2 FELL
Student October EL Coding Starting in 2017-2018, CDE began allowing additional flexibility – under ESSA and ELPA – to report the students as following the state progression. If a student transfers to your district from another district you may report them as following the logical progression or You may report them as FELL CDE strongly encourages your district to be consistent and code all transfers in the progression or FELL
Student October EL Coding EL Logical Sequence errors to look out for: District Transfers Code them as FELL at first and they will trigger warnings to tell you where in the progression CDE expects them: SP295, SP297, SP299 Only triggered if coded as FELL
Student October EL Coding EL flag used by most collections and offices here at CDE will use: NEP, LEP, FEP M1, and FEP M2 = Yes (1) Office of Accountability will have a broader definition NEP, LEP, and FEP (all values) = Yes (1) ELPA funding NEP, LEP, FEP M1, and FEP M2 Grades K-12 Students Eligible for Funding
Student October EL Coding How should I report preschool students? If your district determines a preschool student has a language background other than English LANGUAGE_BACKGROUND <> eng The student should be reported as having a Primary Home Language Other than English (PHLOTE) LANGUAGE_PROFICIENCY = 4 (PHLOTE) Students who are in preschool are generally not in an EL program and would not be reported as served by a Language Instruction Program LANGUAGE_PROGRAM = 00 (No) If the school is providing English Learner services through the regular school program you may report then as NEP/LEP LANGUAGE_PROFICIENCY = 1, 2 (NEP, LEP) LANGUAGE_PROGRAM <> 00
Student October EL Coding How should I report preschool students? Preschool students are not eligible for ELPA funding and will not appear in ELPA reports. Preschool and Kindergarten Students cannot be coded as FEP or FELL LANGUAGE_PROFICIENCY <> 5, 6, 7, 8, or 9 if ENTRY_GRADE_LEVEL = 004, 006, or 007 If the student is fluent and does not require services they should be coded as PHLOTE
Student October EL Coding Foreign exchange students should have SASIDS and should be coded with a language. You would need to serve foreign exchange students if they come up as Limited English Proficient (LEP.) They would also take the ACCESS 2.0 assessment. Students who have a Language Proficiency code of FEP Exited Year 1 or Year 2 (8 or 9) may be coded using any Language Instruction Program (LIP) value Students may not be coded in more than one LIP. If multiple programs are used to educate a student please use the one that is predominately used to educate the student.
Student October Warnings Losing Leading Zeros Do not require exceptions Do not prevent students from being included in snapshot or from submitting snapshot There for informational purposes or that there is a possible data issue Losing Leading Zeros Opening a file in Excel and where format is not already set to ‘text’ Files will not upload properly and will create errors CDE has a guide to keeping leading zeros on Student Interchange Website at:
Student October Student Doesn’t Show up in Snapshot Student has error in DEM or SSA file Primary School = 0 in SSA file October Snapshot only includes records where Primary School = 1 If a student isn’t showing up in snapshot this is often the first place to look Enrollment Dates in SSA file do not overlap with Count Day Student only included in one of DEM or SSA file, but not both Cognos Reports: Snapshot Records Excluded Due to Profile Errors Students Excluded from Student October Snapshot
Student October Student October Contact Genevieve Hale 303-866-6970
School Auditing Office Contact Webpages: Email Contact: Rebecca McRee 303-866-6805
Student October Funding for Approved Facility Students Approved facility schools receive funding from CDE that is allocated through the legislative process. They bill only for the days the student attends their school and are paid monthly through the School Finance Office. They do not receive any funding from Student October.
Student October What are Districts Paying for? Typically a school district is paying tuition cost for special education services for students with IEPs. It is very rare that a district would be paying for a general education student to attend a facility school. There is a contract between the district and the facility school for every student who attends the facility school and within that contract it states what the district is paying for.
Student October If the district is paying for the basic (general) education services for a student, the district can submit the student for funding in Student October. This is in addition to any tuition costs the district is paying for special education services and should be stated clearly in the contract between the district and facility school. If the district is only paying for special education services, then the district cannot submit the student for funding in Student October The funding for special education services comes through December Count.
Student October Short-Term Placements If a district has a student who is placed short-term in a facility, the district may be able to include the student for funding if all the following criteria have been met: Student established attendance with the district during the current school year prior to the pupil enrollment count date AND Student was still enrolled with the district as of the pupil enrollment count date AND Student had a schedule with the district that supported funding eligibility as of the pupil enrollment count date AND Student resumes attendance with the district within 30 days following the pupil enrollment count date.
Student End of Year Cross LEA Phase
Check for Cross LEA Errors Cognos Report – EOY Cross LEA Edit Report Pipeline Error Report
Student End of Year If your district has cross validation warnings or validation errors: Take time to review your cross-validation warnings and validation errors. Oftentimes, the two are related. Sorting errors by Student ID is oftentimes helpful because multiple errors and warnings could be associated with the same student record. If your district does not have errors or warnings: If the current year does not appear in the dropdown menu of the EOY Cross LEA Edit Report, then you have no cross validation warnings. If you have no cross validation warnings and no EOY errors in the Pipeline Error Report, then no further action is needed during this phase of the collection.
How to Correct Cross Validation Warnings (SE800 Warnings) Follow the instructions in the Adjustment File Instructions PDFs on the End of Year Snapshot webpage at
How to Correct Errors: SE061, SE094, SE702, SE712 Edit Record To correct your SE061, SE094, SE702, and SE712 errors, use the Edit Record tool to change the exit type of students as appropriate.
How to Correct Errors: SE061, SE094, SE702, SE711, SE712 Add Record To correct SE061, SE094, SE702, SE711, and SE712 errors use the Add Record tool to add an adjustment for students that used to attend your district.
Student End of Year If you have an error to correct and your snapshot is not already unlocked, email Amanda Callinan and ask her to unlock your district’s snapshot: For more information on the Cross LEA process, you can access training and instructions at:
Thursday, October 11th, 2018 9 a.m.-10 a.m. Thank You Next Town Hall: Thursday, October 11th, 2018 9 a.m.-10 a.m.