RATIONALE According to Census 2011, there are about 26,810,557 individual across India who are both physically and mentally challenged and needs medical assistance. The 2009 census of India showed that there were 761,806 doctors, 104603 dentists, 1650180 nurses, and midwives. At the national level, the aggregate density of doctors, nurses and midwives was 2.08 per 1000 population, which was lower than the WHO critical shortage threshold of 2.28.
INTRODUCTION In December 2016, OMI associated as a partner with RPG foundation to establish Sanjeevani Project in Nashik city. Sanjeevani will help students in acquiring job opportunities in various health care setups and home based care. The project course will soon receive the National Skill Development Council registration within a span of few months.
AIMS & OBJECTIVES The project aims upon imparting skill development training’ on Bedside assistance course’ to 120 youth belonging from under-privileged background. OBJECTIVES: Educational Training of economically backward women and youth in Sanjeevani Certified Bedside Assistant course ( in area of 20 kms radius of Ceat factory ) Assist the trainees in Job placement which in turn will improve the income generation for the trainee and the family
BED SIDE ASSISTANT COURSE Qualification required: Minimum 7th std. passed for Bedside Assistant Course Course attending rules: The courses will include training in theory and practical learning which will be imparted by a team of doctors, nurses and social workers.
THE GLOBAL VISION We aim to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) provided by the United Nation. Some of the Goals concerning skills training and education are: Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) 3: Ensure healthy lives and promote wellbeing for all at all ages Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) 4: Ensure inclusive and quality education for all and promote lifelong learning
AFFILIATION Yashwantrao Chavan Maharashtra Open University: OMI’s is in process of registering with Yashwantrao Chavan Open university. National Skill Development Council: NSDC registration is in process. This course is per the NSDC guidelines and will be for 5- 6 months including practical and postings. Affiliation with Maharashtra States Skill Development Society (MSSDS) in under processing
IMPACTS OF THE PROJECT Education is an investment. Education of women and youth from the back ward community will help not just the beneficiaries but also empower the community with confidence. The women and youth of the lesser privileged community will have a certificate that will allow them get jobs beyond our intervention. The education will encourage other youth and women to take up assistant courses The project will result in economic empowerment of women and youth which will uplift not just themselves but their families and the community.
IMPACTS OF THE PROJECT The increasing requirement of para-professional and health care services will be implemented through the implementation of bedside assistant training course. Improve the health care facilities for the infants, children, women and those in need. Certificates of achievement and experience post course completion will be provided to the women and youth of the under privileged community that would help them get a job beyond our intervention. It will help strengthen the health care system of Nashik District, Maharashtra. Will be part of the United Nation global goals by addressing the Sustainable Development Goals: SDG 3 & SDG 4.