UNECE Work Session on Statistical Data Editing, Paris, 2014


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Presentation transcript:

UNECE Work Session on Statistical Data Editing, Paris, 2014 Future Work Group UNECE Work Session on Statistical Data Editing, Paris, 2014

Proposed topics Selective and macro-editing Managing and supporting changes related to E&I Software tools and international collaboration Evaluation and feedback E&I with non-traditional data sources New and emerging methods

Selective and macro-editing Quality assessment of selective editing Unification of selective editing approaches Selective editing for classification variables Highlight complementarity between selective editing and macro-editing Case studies

Managing and supporting changes related to E&I Managing/monitoring the E&I process Managing changes to the E&I process Managing cultural changes Getting new methods implemented Standardization/harmonization

Software tools and international collaboration Software development Collaboration with IT specialists SAS vs R Standardization/harmonization on an international level

Evaluation and feedback Indicators for E&I Using information from E&I to improve the statistical process Estimation uncertainty due to E&I

E&I with non-traditional data sources E&I for administrative data E&I in combination with Big Data E&I with multi-source data Editing during electronic data collection

New and emerging methods Methods related to E&I that are either new or emerging (or both) Innovative applications of existing methods