Have you bought just ONE of these products in the past week? $3.00 $4.00 $4.00 $1.59 Have you bought just ONE of these products in the past week?
Do You Have Insurance on Your Home? Do You Have Insurance on Your Car? Do You Have Insurance on Your JOB? The NASCOE PAC is really the only insurance you have to help protect your job! If every NASCOE member began contributing to the NASCOE PAC, we would have the ability to shape our destiny.
The NASCOE Leadership Established the NASCOE-PAC with membership approval in 2005.
So, What is a “PAC” ? A Political Action Committee (PAC) is a vehicle that can provide groups of people with similar interests and political goals the opportunity to pool their financial resources to assist politicians with the same goals to help finance their campaigns. Is it a “special interest group”? YES! Do you have a special interest in your job?? The NASCOE PAC is “mission driven” to get results for our members. It is NOT a partisan effort. The PAC is the most effective way of ensuring that legislators who support the same views and goals of the association are elected or able to remain in office.
Crop Production & Processing PAC S 2011-12 Receipts If just 24% of our membership participated at $5 per pay period NASCOE would rank 2nd! American Crystal Sugar $2,747,708 National Cotton Council $556,993 If just 24% of our membership participated at $3 per pay period NASCOE would rank 3rd! American Soybean Assn $331,061 National Corn Growers Assn $302,251 American Assoc. Crop Insurers $262,613 USA Rice Federation $240,098 This should answer everybody’s question why sugar and cotton always get what they want in a farm bill. This information is currently posted on opensecrets.org. NASCOE is listed under a separate heading but this is where we would rank in this category of partners we work with daily. This is a good place to tell them what percent of their state membership is participating. These numbers are annualized from open secrets which operates on an election cycle. American Peanut Sheller's Assn $136,242 NASCOE $105,135 National Assn of Wheat Growers $93,876
2012 & 2013 PAC Participants Comparison
HOW ARE PAC FUNDS DISPERSED PAC funds are distributed based upon the recommendations of our Legislative Consultant These recommendations are reviewed by the President, Vice President and the Legislative Co – Chairs. The recommendation is either approved or denied by this group. The funds are primarily used to support the leadership and members of the Senate and House Agriculture Appropriations Committee and the Senate and House Agriculture Committee More information can be found at : http://www.opensecrets.org/pacs/lookup2.php?strID=C00413567
WHY IS PAC IMPORTANT NOW? Proposed Change in Employee Benefits Continued Proposed Staffing Reductions Other Agencies are Fighting for our Programs as We Speak We have to show why FSA can be the most efficient agency to help reduce spending and increase efficiency as cuts are being made to programs and agencies. NOW is the time to Act and Protect the Future of Your Job! To protect, we must be heard.
$3.00 $4.00 $4.00 $1.59 Is your job worth the investment of the value of just one of these products every two weeks?
ADDITIONAL PAC INFORMATION Enrollment forms are available on the NASCOE website (on the Legislative page) New participants can send the completed enrollment form to Donny Green and he will contact you personally to set up your financial allotment on your Employee Personal Page. If you have additional questions please contact Donny Green or Kevin Wooten their email addresses are on the NASCOE website on the “Legislative” page (under the “Committees” link).
We realize that not every member has time to actively engage in attending conventions, conferences, or other association functions. However, a small bi-weekly contribution to PAC is something that EVERY member can do to help protect his/her job and benefits. Please encourage your fellow FSA employees back home to join! There is strength in numbers! If you decide to complete your own enrollment, please make sure to forward the PAC Donor Information Form to Donny Green (address is on the bottom of the form) . It is available on the NASCOE website on the “Legislative” page. Also, if you are not comfortable with an allotment. You can make regular on annual cash contributions.
Thank you for your consideration to become involved to protect your “special interest”