Lauren Douglas Program Assistant Urology Program
October 2017 Royal College Confirmed Launch of CBD in Urology for July 2018 Received Final Documents in November 2017 Started the Mapping Process late January (Mapping Committee)
CURRICULUM MAPPING - UROLOGY (July 2018-June 2019) PG YEAR EPA Description # Assessments to Pass Observed/ Reviewed Who How Where Milestones Relevant Milestones 1 TD1 Assessing patients with a urological presentation 6 Observed 3 = Senior Resident or Chief Resident 3 = Faculty 2 different sites 2 different assessors COM 1.2, COM 2.1, ME 2.2, ME 2.2.1, ME 2.2.7, COM 2.3, ME 3.3, ME 1.4 All TD2 Admitting patients to urology service 3 Reviewed 3 = Senior Resident or Chief Resident 2 different sites ME 2.4, COM 5.1, COM 5.1.3, P 1.1 TD3 Discharging patients from the urology service 2 2 = Senior Resident or Chief Resident ME 4.1, ME 5.2, COM 5.1, COM 3.2, P 1.1 TD4 Collaborating with other services 5 2 = Observed 3 = Reviewed 5 = Senior Resident or Chief Resident ME 4.1.2, COL 2.1, P 1.1.1, 1 1.1.2 F1 Assessing & managing patients with a difficult catheterization in an urgent setting 4 4 = Senior Resident or Chief Resident all sites (at least 1 at each site) ME 1.4, ME 2.1.1, ME 3.1, ME 3.2, ME 3.4, ME, COM 5.1 F2 Recognizing & managing urosepsis in patients with urinary obstruction 2 = Faculty ME 2.1.1, ME 2.1, ME 1.4, ME 2.2.5, ME, ME 2.4, ME 3.1, ME 3.3, COL 1.2, COL 3.1, ME 3.4, COM 3.1, COM 4.1, COM 5.1.3 F3 Assessing & managing patients with acute scrotal/perineal pain 1 = Faculty all sites ME 2.1, COM 1.2, ME 2.2, ME 2.4, ME 3.1, ME 3.3, COM 3.1, COM 4.1, COM 5.1 F4 (A) Assessing & establishing a management plan for patients with common non-emergent urological presentations - patient assessment 8 8 = Faculty COM 2.1, ME 2.2, ME 2.2.6, ME, ME 2.2.6, ME 2.4, L 2.1, ME 3.1, COM 3.1, COM 4.1, HA 1.1.1, HA 1.2.2, ME F4 (B) Assessing & establishing a management plan for patients with common non-emergent urological presentations - written communication ME 2.2.7, COM 5.1, COM 5.1.3, COL 1.3 F5 Performing rigid cystoscopy with examination in an elective setting 3 = Faculty all sites (one at each) ME 3.4, ME 1.3, ME 3.4, COM 3.1 F6 Performing flexible cystoscopy with examination in an elective setting 6 = Faculty ME 3.4, ME 1.3, COM 3.1 F8 Managing urology-specific tubes and drains on the ward COL 2.1, ME 1.4, ME 2.2, ME 3.1, ME 3.4, P 1.1, ME 4.1, COM 5.1 C19 (B) Supervising the urology service, including scheduling & teaching the junior learners Observed / Reviewed 3 = Coworkers (RN's) P 1.1, COL 1.2, COL 1.1, COL 1.3, S 2.4 C20 Delivering effective teaching presentations rounds S 2.4, S 3.3, S 3.4
SF EPA Content Urology Rotations EPA Rules Providing initial management for critically ill surgical patients Taught: SF Bootcamp Evaluated: PGY2 ICU Part A: Patient Assessment Direct/indirect observation Form 1 Three observations: 2 different presentations Part B: Procedure Performance Direct observation Form 2 Clinical (ward/ER/ICU) / simulated Four observations: 1 needle thoracostomy 1 tube thoracostomy 1 surgical airway 1 central line insertion F2 Providing initial management for trauma patients ATLS Course (embedded in SF Boot Camp) PGY 2 Urology HGH Part A: ATLS Certification Submission of certificate to Competence Committee Part B: Pt Assessment Two observations: 1 primary 1 secondary F3 Assessing and performing risk optimization for preoperative patients in preparation for surgery PGY1 Gen Surg PGY1 Vascular PGY2 Comm Gen Surg 1 elective 1 emergent 1 high risk 1 critically ill 2 different assessors F4 Providing patient education and informed consent in preparation for surgical care SF Boot Camp SF Boot Camp (OSCE) PGY1 Urology SJH Clinical/simulated 1 emergency 2 in clinical setting
McMaster University Urology Competence by Design PGY1 Road Map 2018-2019 Surgical Foundations EPAs Block 1 Block 2 Block 3 Block 4 Block 5 Block 6 Block 7 Block 8 Block 9 Block 10 Block 11 Block 12 Block 13 TTD 1-7 TTD 1,6,7 FD 3 FD 7 FD 8 TTD 2,3,4,5 FD 4