The Planning System in Ireland – Fit For Purpose?
Speed of Delivery Type of Delivery
Type of Delivery What type of housing, and where?
Growth in Ireland 1991 – 2016 - Growth at the edges; Sprawl; Declining centres National Planning Framework - 1 million additional people in Ireland by 2040 - Eastern and Midland Region: 490k to 540k - Northern and Western Region: 160k to 180k - Southern Region: 340k to 380k
Type of Delivery What type of housing, and where? Business as Usual?
National Planning Framework At least 50% of all new homes that are targeted in the 5 cities (Dublin, Cork, Limerick, Waterford, Galway) to be within their existing built up areas Dublin: 235,000 - 290,000 people Cork: 105,000 – 125,000 people Limerick: 50,000 – 55,000 people Waterford: 30,000 – 35,000 people Galway: 40,000 – 45,000 people Outside the main cities, 30% of all new homes to be within existing built up areas Nationally, 40% of all new homes to be within the built up area of existing settlements Compact Urban Growth “Settlements of all sizes, from the largest city to the smallest village”
Plan-Led System Intensive Period of Development Plan Review Activity Ahead Office of the Planning Regulator Impact?
Speed of Delivery Vacant Sites Levy - Teething issues - A more aggressive approach? - Impact
Speed of Delivery Vacant Sites Levy Strategic Housing Development - As of Q1 2019: 8,191 residential units; 4,768 student bed spaces - Type of housing - Speed? - Clear benefits - Unintended consequences
Speed of Delivery Vacant Sites Levy Strategic Housing Development Condition Discharge - From planning permission to units on the ground - Long-standing frustration - Amendment Act 2018
Does the Planning System Enable Efficient Delivery?
More to Do Public Sector - The private sector on its own is not the answer - Massive public sector land resource
More to Do Public Sector Resourcing - A massive challenge - Management of resources
More to Do Public Sector Resourcing Consistency - OPR role - Pre-Application Process - Digitisation - Development Contributions
More to Do Public Sector Resourcing Consistency Agility Judicial Review - Growing influence - Need to consider the reasons - Changes
More to Do Public Sector Resourcing Consistency Agility Judicial Review SHD System Forthcoming Review Process Lessons to be learned?
More to Do Public Sector Resourcing Consistency Agility Judicial Review SHD System Public Engagement - Adversarial System - Time for a new approach?
Lessons from Elsewhere? Small Sites Urban Greening Parking Standards Vertical Mix
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