Integrative Approaches Towards Sustainability (SHARING) Welcome Statement Integrative Approaches Towards Sustainability (SHARING) Jurmala (Latvia), 11-14 May 2005 Pierre Valette Acting Director, Directorate I, DG RESEARCH, European Commission The conference in Jūrmala this year comes at a very appropriate time. The Commission has presented its proposal for the 7th Framework Programme which introduces new elements and aims at considerably increasing the budget for research on a European level. Sustainable development is the prevailing objective and its principle cuts across the whole programme. In addition, environmental research has been broadened and strengthened. The structure of the new Framework Programme for this area reflects the need for a more integrated approach where all three pillars of sustainable development are taken into the account in our scientific research and policy considerations. The Commission services are currently elaborating the specific programmes per area with a view to finalising them by the end of June 2005. Therefore, the findings from this conference could produce a valuable input for the preparation of the programmes and we welcome this initiative 1