Course Selection Instructions Course Selection Instructions
Use your email address and password to log in. Go to and login. Use your email address and password to log in.
Click on the ``High School Planner`` button. This message indicates that you have not submitted your course selections. Click on the ``High School Planner`` button.
Enter your courses here! Compulsory Credits Elective Credits Alternates
To select a course, click on the text.
Select the course you wish to take. Read the course description and check to make sure that you have the prerequisite. Select the course you wish to take.
You can click on the ``Course Progression Chart`` to view the progression of courses in the subject area.
Click on the ``Add Course`` button to select the course.
Once you have selected all of your courses and 2 alternates, you should have something like this!
Click on the ``View Progress`` button.
Once you have completed your course selections, click on the ``Review Course Selections`` button
You should see a green check mark beside each course that you selected indicating that there are no issues.
Select the pathway that you are considering for post-secondary.
Click on the “Submit Course Selection” button
You will receive a message indicating that you can only submit your courses once. Click ``OK``.
You may receive a second message indicating that the ``Sign-Off Sheet window was blocked. Click ``OK``.
Click on the ``Print Sign-Off Sheet`` button.
Your parent/guardian must sign and place date here! Joe Cool Mrs. Cool March 2, 2015 You must sign here!
“DISCLOSURE OF STUDENT INFORMATION” section. Complete the “DISCLOSURE OF STUDENT INFORMATION” section. Almost all students choose OPTION “A” March 2, 2015 Mrs. Cool
“STUDENT PHOTO/VIDEO CONSENT” section. Almost all students circle YES. March 2, 2015 Mrs. Cool Complete the “STUDENT PHOTO/VIDEO CONSENT” section. Almost all students circle YES. March 2, 2015 Mrs. Cool Joe Cool
“COMPUTER NETWORK CONSENT” section. March 2, 2015 Mrs. Cool March 2, 2015 Mrs. Cool Joe Cool Complete the “COMPUTER NETWORK CONSENT” section. Joe Cool Mrs. Cool
“INCLEMENT WEATHER” section. March 2, 2015 Mrs. Cool March 2, 2015 Mrs. Cool Joe Cool Joe Cool Mrs. Cool Complete the “INCLEMENT WEATHER” section. Joe Cool Mrs. Cool March 2, 2015
Click here if you are not returning to this school in September.
Select your destination
Confirm your selection to not return.
Click here to print the sign-off sheet.
Your parent/guardian must sign and place date here! Joe Cool Mrs. Cool You must sign here! March 2, 2015
When you return to the homepage, the Course Selection indicator shows that you have submitted!
The IPP progress bar has increased.
The “High School Planner” button has changed to white indicating that you have completed this task.