The ATM Standardisation Coordination Group


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Presentation transcript:

The ATM Standardisation Coordination Group Presented by Luc Deneufchâtel Chairman of the ATMSCG

Why set up the ATMSCG? As a practical answer to the Regulation (EC) No 552/2004 European Air Traffic Management network interoperability Regulation in particular section 12 of the preamble and Article 4 section 1a and 1b; The standardisation process to develop the necessary Community Specifications (CS) must involve the three European Standardisation Organisations, Eurocontrol and Eurocae; Associated coordination activities have to be put in place to reach a consensus among the above mentioned organisations to conduct the work; The ATMSCG has been set up under the framework of the first phase of European Commission Mandate 354 but is established as a long term body.

Interoperability Regulation Preamble section 12 Community specifications should be established by the European standardisation bodies in conjunction with the European Organisation for Civil Aviation Equipment (Eurocae) and by Eurocontrol, in accordance with general Community standardisation procedures.

Interoperability Regulation Article 4 section 1 (a) (a) European standards for systems or constituents, together with the relevant procedures, drawn up by the European standardisation bodies in cooperation with Eurocae, on a mandate from the Commission in accordance with Article 6(4) of Directive 98/34/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 22 June 1998 laying down a procedure for the provision of information in the field of technical standards and regulations(13) and pursuant to the general guidelines on cooperation between the Commission and the standardisation bodies signed on 13 November 1984;

Interoperability Regulation Article 4 section 1 (b) OR (b) specifications drawn up by Eurocontrol on matters of operational coordination between air navigation service providers, in response to a request from the Commission in accordance with the procedure referred to in Article 5(2) of the framework Regulation.

ATMSCG Tasks Clarify political questions to avoid unnecessary discussion at technical level Consider and endorse the standardisation work programme being produced in relation to the Mandate M/354, and provide comments and guidance for execution of the programme task Monitor progress of the programme and provide necessary guidance during subsequent phases of the mandated work Provide a coherent interface for the European Commission on SES Interoperability standardisation programme-related issues; Act as a general, and longer-term, cross-fertilisation mechanism between the organisations concerned

What are the functions of the ATMCSG? To provide advice regarding the organisation of standardisation activities To ensure the efficiency of standardisation activities by identifying the key partner and/or experts to conduct the work To reach the proper consensus between the partners to allocate the work to one organisation To help ensure a proper interface with International Civil Aviation standardisation bodies

ATMSCG organisation Membership: CEN ETSI CENELEC EUROCONTROL EUROCAE EUROPEAN COMMISSION/EFTA Each organisation is represented by two members Chair is given to one member on a two year mandate basis

ATMSCG working methods The Co-ordination Group decisions shall be reached by consensus. Decisions shall not be binding on the member organizations, and their implementation shall be subject to the normal procedures in the organizations concerned.

Relationship between the European Commission, the SES ICB and ATMSCG The ATMSCG recommendations will be provided to the European Commission and to the ICB as complementary information to the standardisation work program To facilitate the assessment of the readiness to initiate the activity on a specific standardisation item To provide the consensus on how the work has to be conducted for each specific standardisation item