Principal-coordinate analysis (PCoA) (Hellinger distance metric) of plant community (A), soil chemistry (B), 16S rRNA gene (prokaryotic) (C), and ITS (fungal) (D) community structure colored by the aboveground community type (green for native, red for cheatgrass, blue for spotted knapweed, and yellow for leafy spurge) for the field plots. Principal-coordinate analysis (PCoA) (Hellinger distance metric) of plant community (A), soil chemistry (B), 16S rRNA gene (prokaryotic) (C), and ITS (fungal) (D) community structure colored by the aboveground community type (green for native, red for cheatgrass, blue for spotted knapweed, and yellow for leafy spurge) for the field plots. All sequenced samples from the field sites are plotted (including pseudoreplicates within sites). These data were collapsed by site prior to statistical analyses. PC1 and PC2, principal coordinates 1 and 2, respectively. Sean M. Gibbons et al. mSystems 2017; doi:10.1128/mSystems.00178-16