Effective presentation skills II Designing and delivering presentations By the end of the session participants’ skills to plan and deliver presentations has been enforced
Introduction Confidence Structure Logos Stimulation of your speech Useful hints Confidence Structure of your speech Logos of your argument Stimulation of the audience
Plan your presentation to include an introduction, body and conclusion Structure Logos Stimulation Useful hints CONCLUSION INTRODUCTION BODY Time 0% 20% 40% 60% 80% 100%
Introduction (10%) Introduce yourself Begin with an interest grabber Structure Logos Stimulation Useful hints Introduce yourself Begin with an interest grabber Introduce the objective of your presentation Where applicable: Give a brief overview of the main points of your presentation
Body (70%) Apply logic to your argument Introduction Structure Logos Stimulation Useful hints Apply logic to your argument Discuss pros and cons of the subject matter Carefully sequence your arguments Build up towards a presentation climax
Conclusion (20%) Introduction Structure Logos Stimulation Useful hints Conclude about the subject matter (where applicable: Make your final and decisive point) Summarize your main points Link back to the objective of the presentation Smile, ease tension, thank audience for their attention
Why it is important to do it Logic of explaining something Step 1, step 2, step 3… Introduction Structure Logos Stimulation Useful hints What it is How to do it Why it is important to do it Synthesis
Two types of reasoning: deductive and inductive Deductive reasoning Introduction Structure Logos Stimulation Useful hints Leads to Leads to Leads to A B C Conclusion Inductive reasoning Conclusion Supports Supports Supports A B C
Persuasion – how to deliver your arguments Introduction Structure Logos Stimulation Useful hints Intensify Repetition Association Composition My good points The other party’s bad points Downplay Omission Diversion Confusion My weak points The other party’s good points
Remember! Introduction Structure Logos Stimulation Useful hints Depth of conviction counts more than height of logic, and enthusiasm is worth more than knowledge". (David Peebles)
Some useful hints Use non-verbal messages to support your argument Introduction Structure Logos Stimulation Useful hints Use non-verbal messages to support your argument Use of presentation tools Use of participatory presentation techniques How to control nervousness What to do in case of a “black-out”
Golden rules of confident presenters Believe in your own strength Seek routine through practice Prepare thoroughly and in time Avoid last minute changes to your script Visualize your key points Familiarize yourself with the venue and equipment Know your audience Have a back-up plan for “emergencies” Introduction Structure Logos Stimulation Useful hints