Examples of Authentic and Alternative Assessments Rubrics not included
Teacher Observation Student Name Cue 1 Cue 2 Cue 3 Chris Matt Steven George Marcus Sheila Jessica Megan Sabra Whitney
Peer Observation Gentleman Ladies Wipe the Nose Drop the Hand Basic Have 1 group perform the skill while the other group evaluates their performance according to the cues listed below. After 3 attempts, switch roles. Focus on positive feedback. Mark GI for “Got it” or NI for “Needs Improvement.” Student: Attempt 1 2 3 Cue 1 Cue 2 Cue 3 Gentleman Ladies Wipe the Nose Drop the Hand Basic Step Forward Full Turn Rock Step Mark GI for “Got it” or NI for “Needs Improvement.” Student: Attempt 1 2 3 Cue 1 Cue 2 Cue 3
Exit Slips Write down the 3 cues for the “clear”? Did you help a teammate out or give them positive feedback today?
Video/Digital Pictures Film each ballroom dance and create a DVD. Follow the routine provided for the duration of 1 song. Each move is worth 2 points. Competent (2 points): The dance skill was performed correctly. Approaching Competence (1 point): You demonstrated the move correctly, but need a little more practice before you are ready to teach this skill. You either you did not perform the lead correctly, did not follow the lead correctly, or your footwork was off. More Practice Needed (0 points): You need more practice to be deemed acceptable for this skill. 1 DVD Criteria (5% of the grade) Pts Skills Assessment (20% of the grade) A fun, creative introduction of each dancer (5 points). Titles for each dance (5 points). Unusable sections were edited out (5 points). One DVD for each group member and one for the instructor (bring all copies to class). Label and place instructors copy in a DVD case (5 points). Subtitles for each move (extra credit 5 points). Merengue Swing Cha-Cha Waltz
# of Basics in between moves Student Routines Plan a Cha-Cha routine using a minimum of 6 moves. Write down the order of your moves in the table provided. Practice your routine and become competent enough to teach it. Teach your routine to another group by demonstrating the routine, breaking the routine into each move, and then helping them practice the routine. Move # of Basics in between moves 1 2 3 4 5 6 Checklist We included at least 6 moves We wrote our dance routine down in the table provided We were able to demonstrate our routine with ... (circle one) no errors couple errors lots of errors We taught our routine by ... (circle all that apply) demonstrating breaking the routine down helping them practice
Student Displays and Presentations Your group is responsible for creating a tri-fold poster board on your chosen sport. Make sure you at least discuss its history, rules, traditions, skills involved, and interesting facts. Don’t forget to use pictures!
Student Drawings Draw activities for each intensity (light, moderate, and vigorous).
Student Journals Week 1: What do you want to improve on for next week? Week 2: How did your team work together this week? Week 3: Would you play this sport outside of school? Why or why not? Week 4: What did you enjoy about this unit the most?
Portfolios Portfolios are collections of student work. They can be used to track progress and accomplishments. Should have a focus Contain samples of student work Student-centered