Comparison of the percentages of ducts in the pancreas containing cells showing positive staining for the different markers between control hamster Ig–and anti-CD3–treated mice. Comparison of the percentages of ducts in the pancreas containing cells showing positive staining for the different markers between control hamster Ig–and anti-CD3–treated mice. Mice were killed at varying times after first diagnosis and subsequent treatment. The times from first diagnosis were 8–11 (A), 17–20 (B), and 28–40 (C) days. The points on the graphs represent individual mice, and the analysis was done counting all the ducts on at least three sections. In some cases, up to 12 sections per mouse were counted. On average, for each staining, ∼100 ducts per individual mouse were counted. There was no evidence for regeneration of β-cells. There were no cells detected in the ducts of either group that stained positive for insulin. There was no difference between numbers of the glucagon-stained cells at any of the time points. The dividing cells that had taken up BrdU were in fact significantly fewer in the anti-CD3–treated group at the earliest time point, and there was no significant difference at the later time points. Jenny M. Phillips et al. Diabetes 2007;56:634-640 ©2007 by American Diabetes Association