Die GARDEN OF LIFE PROJEK was deur Dameskring, ‘n kultuur-organisasie vir Afrikaanssprekende Christenvroue, gekies as hul nasionale projek vir 2013 om deur Suid Afrika uitgerol te word Pretoria 9 Maart ‘13 Kuruman 13 April ‘13 Bloemfontein 20 April ‘13 Caledon 4 Mei‘13 Somerset-Oos 11 Mei ‘13 Port Elizabeth 18 Mei ‘13 Benoni 1 Junie ‘13 Malelane 8 Junie ‘13 Lindley 17 Aug ‘13 Ventersdorp 24 Aug‘13 Piet Retief 7 Sept ’13 Wellington 14 Sept ‘13 Nylstroom 3 Aug ‘13
The GARDEN OF LIFE PROJECT was chosen by Dameskring, a National Women’s Group, as their national project for 2013 to be rolled out throughout South Africa. Pretoria 9 March ‘13 Kuruman 13 April ‘13 Bloemfontein 20 April ‘13 Caledon 4 May‘13 Somerset-Oos 11 May ‘13 Port Elizabeth 18 May ‘13 Benoni 1 June ‘13 Malelane 8 June ‘13 Lindley 17 Aug ‘13 Ventersdorp 24 Aug‘13 Piet Retief 7 Sept ’13 Wellington 14 Sept ‘13 Nylstroom 3 Aug ‘13
The GARDEN OF LIFE as a Corporate Social Responsibility Programme for businesses The IPS branch in Durban built a Garden of Life at their offices using wooden crates! IPS took Garden of Life as their CSI Programme. On 12 June the IPS staff from Johannesburg, Pretoria and Witbank where trained on the IRCD farm. IPS used the Garden of Life Project to reach out to Second Chance Rehab Centum in Mamelodi on 18 July, Mandela Day. TSB, Malelane, is reaching out to the community by training hawkers in the Garden of Life Project
GARDEN OF LIFE as ‘n Korporatiewe Sosiale Verantwoordelikheid Program vir besighede IPS het Garden of Life gebruik as hul Sosiale Verantwoordelikheids- program. Op 12 Junie is die IPS werkernemers van Johannesburg, Pretoria en Witbank opgelei. IPS het ook die Garden Of Life Projek gebruik om uit te reik na die Second Chance Rehab Sentrum in Mamelodi op 18 Junie, Mandela Dag. TSB, Malelane, reik uit na die gemeenskap deur Garden of Life opleiding te verskaf aan die ‘hawkers’. Die IPS personeel in Durban het n Garden of Life tuin gebou in hout krate by hulle kantore