FRC Judging & Awards 101 Jenny Beatty-Nov. 3, 2012 Baltimore Area Alliance Workshop Day
Should I take notes?
Go for it! This presentation contains hints for how to be a great Ambassador for your team and maybe even help win some awards.
Judges wear blue polo shirts.
Judging at the Regionals is hard work.
There are usually different teams of judges looking at different aspects of your team.
Try to always have a student available on Friday & on Saturday morning in the pit area. If there is no one in the pit (because the entire team is on the field, for example) post a sign saying when a representative will be back.
The judges will want to talk to the students. They may engage the mentors/parents after they talk to the students. The mentors/parents need to hang back unless invited to join the discussion.
Often the judges will only have 5 minutes to spend in the pit with the team. Have the students jump in and sell the team. Learn to do the Elevator Pitch
The pits are LOUD. Have the students practice speaking up.
Some teams prepare short handouts/brochures about their team for the judges to take away highlighting what the team is proud of. Some teams give the judges binders and scrapbooks, and other documentation to take back with them to the deliberation room.
Judges will be observing your team throughout the entire competition.
Rookies Awards: Most judges will not have seen copies of the Chairmans Award entry, if your team submitted one on-line. Feel free to hand the judges a copy in the pits.
Pay attention to the deadlines!
What do these dates have in common?
Read the Game Manual for the description of all the Awards!
Section 6.2 (2012) Team *RCA * Engineering Inspiration *Coopertition *Entrepreneurship *Imagery *GP *Industrial Safety *Spirit *Judges *Rookie All-Star *Rookie Inspiration Performance *Winners *Finalists *Highest Rookie Seed Technical * Creativity *Engineering Excellence *Control *Quality *Industrial Design Pre-Judged *Excellence in Design-CAD *Animation *Website *Deans List-Student *WFFA-Mentor *Safety Animation
2012 Regional Chairmans Award
Chairmans DVD - You MUST hand RCA judges a copy of your DVD when you enter the judging room or you will not be interviewed!
Written submission
Pictures. Use pictures and CAPTIONS to reinforce. Use effectively.
Interview How to be prepared.
Dont use drive team on interview team.
Other written submissions Woodie Flowers Finalist Award (WFFA) Deans List Award Entrepreneurship (2013)
New in 2013! Pre-submission for Entrepreneurship There may be changes to Website award – look for info re: Digital Media
Be sure to say thanks!
QUESTIONS? ????????????????